Precision and Intelligence Laboratory Tokyo Institute of Technology | 論文
- Chemical Beam Epitaxy Growth and Characterization of Ga(In)NAs/GaAs
- Non-Contact Excitation of Vibration Piece Using YAG Laser : Photoacoustic Effect and Spectroscopy
- Numerical Simulation of Readout Using Optical Feedback in the Integrated Vertical Cavity Surface Emithing Laser Microprobe Head
- Micro/Macro Dynamic Characteristics of Mechanism with a Harmonic Speed Reducer and Precision Rotational Positioning Control Using Disturbance Observer
- 517 加工状態認識用マイクロセンサの開発と基本特性評価
- Diffusion Bonding of Co to TiAu High Temperature Shape Memory Alloy
- 1015 強磁性形状記憶合金NiMnGa/ポリマーコンポジットの作製と評価(S03-3 形状記憶合金の特性と応用技術(3),21世紀地球環境革命の機械工学:人・マイクロナノ・エネルギー・環境)
- Effects of Aging on Phase Constitution, Lattice Parameter and Mechanical Properties of Ti-4mol%Au Near-Eutectoid Alloy
- 219 磁性形状記憶合金NiMnGaとポリマーを用いた複合材料の作製と評価(OS9(3) 形状記憶合金の特性と応用)
- Martensitic Transformation Behavior and Shape Memory Properties of Ti-Ni-Pt Melt-Spun Ribbons
- Anisotropy and Temperature Dependence of Young's Modulus in Textured TiNbAl Biomedical Shape Memory Alloy
- 生体用超弾性チタン合金の開発
- 生体用Ti-Nb-Al合金の超弾性特性と機械的性質(OS7-2 形状記憶合金の環境特性,OS7 形状記憶合金の特性と応用化技術)
- Analysis on Nano-machinability in Ultraprecision Machining of Brittle Materials(Analytical advancement of machining process)
- Orthodontic Tooth Movement in Rats Using Ni-Free Ti-Based Shape Memory Alloy Wire
- Acoustic Study of Martensitic Phase Transformation in TiNbAl Shape Memory Alloy
- Relationship between Texture and Macroscopic Transformation Strain in Severely Cold-Rolled Ti-Nb-Al Superelastic Alloy
- Mechanical Properties of a Ti-Nb-Al Shape Memory Alloy
- Two-Handed Multi-Fingers String-Based Haptic Interface Device
- A study of screen intermediate camera for ranging far-away objects