Olympus Optical Co., Ltd. | 論文
- A Pinhole Camera with Microehannel Plates for Hot Electron Spatial Distribution Measurement
- Surface Conductance of Metal Surfaces in Air Studied with a Force Microscope
- Construction of a Scanning Tunneling Microscope for Electrochemical Studies
- In Situ Imaging of Electrochemical Deposition of Ag on Au(111)
- Voltage-Dependence of Scanning Tunneling Microscopy on Titanium Surface in Air
- Preparation of Piezoelectric Thick Films using a Jet Printing System
- Improvement of Spatial Resolution for Third Harmonic Detection using a Separately Arranged Transmittng/Receiving Ultrasonic Transducer
- Highly sensitive detection of the third harmonic signals using a separately arranged transmitter/receiver ultrasonic transducer
- Fabrication of Ultrasonic Thansducers With KNbO_3 Piezoelectric Single Crystal for Detecting Harmonic Signals
- Wavefront Distortion of Acoustic Beam in Pressurized Superfluid ^4He
- Self-Defocusing Effect in a Focused Acoustic Beam in Superfluid ^4He
- Shadow-Projection X-Ray Microtomography for Line-Like Objects
- Throughput Measurement of a Multilayer-Coated Schwarzschild Objective Using Synchrotron Radiation
- Holographic Motion Pictures by Hole-Burning Using Eu^lt3+gt : Y_2SiO_5
- Development of Biological Micro Reactor Array System(Special Issue on Integrated Systems with New Concepts)
- Edge Enhancement by the Wavelet Maxima and Its Application to Image Enlargement
- Topographic Measurement of Internal Surfaces Using a Sequence of Stereo Charge-Coupled Device Endoscopic Images:(1)Method
- Shape Measurement from Endoscopic Images : Determination of Dimensional Scale Factor by a Photometric Method
- Reconstruction of the Gastric Surface Structure Using a Monocular CCD Endoscope
- Carrier Reset Operation in Charge Modulation Device