Ocean Research Institute The University Of Tokyo | 論文
- Genetic Comparison of Two Choerodon (Osteichthyes : Perciformes : Labridae) Color-types from the Southern Coasts of Japan
- First record of Anguilla japonica Glass Eel Collected in the Kuroshio Current
- Community Structures of Coral Reefs around Peninsular Malaysia
- 小型鯨類の摂餌生態
- 小型歯鯨類の採餌特性
- Research Article 西部北太平洋に生息するハダカイワシ類の耳石による種同定
- 海産哺乳類は餌をどれだけ食べるか?--鯨類における摂餌率の研究史 (総特集 鯨類研究の現在と展望)
- 外洋性小型歯鯨類の摂食生態 (総特集 海鳥海獣とその餌生物)
- Body Size at Maturity and Spawning Season for 0+ Females of Hexagrammos agrammus in Central Japan
- 核酸プロ-ブを用いたハイブリダイゼ-ション法による海水中の特定微生物の細胞レベルでの識別 (総特集 バイオマ-カ-による海洋微生物群集の解析)
- Shorter telomere length with age in the loggerhead turtle : a new hope for live sea turtle age estimation
- 南海トラフにおける Calyptogena 属の深度分布
- Structural and thermodynamic characterization of tropomyosin from fast skeletal muscle of bluefin tuna
- cDNA cloning and thermodynamic properties of tropomyosin from walleye pollack Theragra chalcogramma fast skeletal muscle
- Characterization of Lipids in Myctophid Fish in the Subarctic and Tropical Pacific Ocean
- Technological Development for Half-life Measurement of ^Sm Nuclide
- Developmental changes in low-salinity tolerance and responses of prolactin, cortisol and thyroid hormones to low-salinity environment in larvae and juveniles of Japanese flounder, Paralichthys olivaceus
- Onset and development of aggressive behavior in the early life stage of Japanese flounder
- The Effect of Vitamin C Intake on Schooling Behavior of Amphidromous Fish, Ayu Plecoglossus altivelis
- Effects of Water Temperature and Light Intensity on Aggressive Behavior in the Juvenile Yellowtails