Ocean Research Institute The University Of Tokyo | 論文
- Dietary value of gametophytes and juvenile sporophytes of the brown macroalga Eisenia bicyclis for juvenile abalone Haliotis diversicolor
- Effect of towing speed and net mouth size on catch efficiency in framed midwater trawls
- Genetic population structure of a reef goby, Bathygobius cocosensis, in the northwestern Pacific
- Mitochondrial DNA divergence in yoshinobori gobies (Rhinogobius species complex) between the Bonin Islands and the Japan-Ryukyu Archipelago
- Genetic and geographical differentiation of Pandaka gobies in Japan
- Genetic differentiation between two color morphs of Apogon taeniophorus from southern Japan
- Genetic comparison of two color-morphs of Apogon properuptus from southern Japan
- Genetic Differentiation of the Brackish Water Goby, Eutaeniichthys gilli (Perciformes, Gobiidae), between the Japanese and the Ryukyu Archipelagos
- Genetic population structure of Japanese bagrid catfishes
- cDNA cloning of myosin rod and the complate primary structure of myosin heavy chain of walleye pollack fast skeletal muscle
- Determination of Primary Structure of Heavy Meromyosin Region of Walleye Pollack Myosin Heavy Chain by cDNA Cloning
- PB-21 Mutual relationship between the capitellid polychate, Capitella sp. I and sediment bacteria : application of the two organisms for the treatment of organically enriched marine sediment below fish farm(Monitoring,Poster presentation B)
- Effects of sodium sulfide on burrowing activity of Capitella sp. I and bacterial respiratory activity in seawater soft-agar microcosms
- Visual assessment of the respiring microorganisms associated with burrow structures of Capitella sp. I in seawater soft-agar microcosms
- 鯨類調査の新技術(9)ハクジラ類の胃内容物精密分析手技--古くて新しい食性研究のスタンダード
- 不思議いっぱい クジラの生態 (特集 クジラ物語)
- 海洋での流出油事故と微生物のモニタリング : メソコスム実験(水産微生物のリアルタイムモニタリング)
- A-23 密度勾配分画法を用いた海洋細菌の菌体密度(水圏生態系,(2)口頭発表会,研究発表会)
- PB-25 蛍光染色フィルタ法を利用したFluorescent in situ hybridization法による微生物検出(モニタリング,ポスターセッションB,ポスター発表)
- C-02 フローサイトメトリーによる海洋細菌の計数 : 固定と保存の影響(水圏生態系,口頭発表)