Niigata Univ. School Of Medicine Niigata Jpn | 論文
- Ketamine Anesthesia Increases Urine Output
- Macrophages Possibly Involved in the Disposal of ApoptoticEpithelial Cells in the Monkey Small and Large Intestine
- Successful Treatment of a Recurrent Leiomyosarcoma of the InferiorVena Cava
- An Ultrastructural Study of Cutaneous Adnexal Carcinoma with CombinedFolliculosebaceous and Apocrine Differentiation
- Ligation of the Thoracic Duct through Transabdomino-mediastinalApproach : A New Operative Technique for Traumatic Chylothorax
- Effect of Intraluminal Administration of Insulin-like Growth Factor-Ion Rats with Methotrexate-induced Enterocolitis
- Round Ligament Varices Mimicking Inguinal Hernia during Pregnancy and Pue
- Regional Cerebral Blood Flow in Parkinson's Disease Measured withN-isopropyl-p[^123I]iodoamphetamine (IMP)SPECT
- Selective Increments of Superior Mesenteric Artery Blood Flow byDopamine Administration in the Pig
- Suppression of Liver Blood Flow by Carbon Dioxide Pneumoperitoneumcan be Improved by Prostaglandin E_1 in Pigs
- Clinical Results of Genesis-I Total Knee Arthroplasty for Patientswith Knee Osteoarthritis: A Five-year Longitudinal Study
- Platelet and Cholesterol Responses Caused by Oral Administration ofGinseng Extract in 66% Hepatectomized Rats
- Application of a Non-invasive System for Monitoring PlasmaIndocyanine Green Dynamics in Rats
- Multiplicity of Sites for Extrathymic T-cell Differentiation
- Review of Ten Years' Use of ST. Jude Medical Prosthetic ValveReplacement and Postoperative Management at Niigata University Hospital
- Intraepithelial Nerve Fibers in the Nasal Mucosa of the Rat with Special Reference to the Localization of CGRP, VIP and Nitric Oxide (NO)
- Three Cases of Lymph Node Recurrence after a Long Disease-free Intervalof Over 5 Years Following Curative Resection for Thoracic EsophagealCarcinoma
- The Use of Isoproterenol in Electrophysiologic Drug Testing in Patientswith Suatained Ventricular Tachycardia : The Mechanism and ClinicalSignificance of Isoproterenol
- Restorative Proctocolectomy with Ileal Reservoir : Pouch Configurationand Volume
- Characterization of Low-and High-level Adriamycin-Resistant HumanGastric Cancer Cell Lines: Flow Cytometric Studies and ReversalEffect of Verapamil