National Research Institute of Fisheries and Environment of Inland Sea | 論文
- Seasonal variations in abundance and biomass of picoplankton in an oyster-farming area of northern Japan
- 宮古・伊良部諸島におけるウニヒザラガイの分布(第2回国際ヒザラガイシンポジウム)
- アワビサブチーム アワビ類初期生態解明のための種判別技術の開発 (特別号:独立行政法人水産総合研究センター交付金プロジェクト 生態系保全型増養殖システム確立のための種苗生産・放流技術の開発--第1期成果) -- (資源添加等の生態学・分子生物学的解明・評価に基づく放流技術の高度化)
- First record of Anguilla japonica Glass Eel Collected in the Kuroshio Current
- 形態および遺伝的に異なる2つの型のヒザラガイの存在(第2回国際ヒザラガイシンポジウム)
- Growth and uptake kinetics for nitrate, ammonium and phosphate by the toxic dinoflagellate Gymnodinium catenatum isolated from Hiroshima Bay, Japan
- Utilization of dissolved organic phosphorus by the two toxic dinoflagellates, Alexandrium tamarense and Gymnodinium catenatum (Dinophyceae)
- Effects of temperature, salinity and irradiance on the growth of the toxic dinoflagellate Gymnodinium catenatum (Dinophyceae) isolated from Hiroshima Bay, Japan
- Encystment and Excystment of Gyrodinium instriatum Freudenthal et Lee
- Identification of juvenile abalone Haliotis diversicolor based on number of open and sealed respiratory pores
- Effects of temperature, food availability, and body size on daily growth rate of Japanese anchovy Engraulis japonicus larvae in Hiuchi-nada
- Increase of otolith Sr:Ca ratio related to metamorphosis and maturation in anchovy Engraulis japonicus
- Relationship between daily survival rates of larval Japanese anchovy (Engraulis japonicus) and concentrations of copepod nauplii in the Seto Inland Sea, Japan
- RNA : DNA ratio for diagnosis of the nutritional condition of Japanese anchovy Engraulis japonicus larvae during the first-feeding stage
- Microincrements of otoliths of the Japanese sand lance Ammodytes personatus during early life stages
- Spawning season, spawning grounds, and egg production of red sea bream in Hiuchi-nada, Seto Inland Sea
- Grazing impact of the field ciliate assemblage on a bloom of the toxic dinoflagellate Heterocapsa circularisquama
- Effect of a natural population of the harmful dinoflagellate Heterocapsa circularisquama on the survival of the pearl oyster Pinctada fucata
- Effects of Harmful Dinoflagellates, Gymnodinium mikimotoi and Heterocapsa circularisquama, Red-tide on Filtering Rate of Bivalve Molluscs
- Development of adventive embryos in cauline leaves of Sargassum macrocarpum (Fucales, Phaeophyta)