National Research Institute Of Fisheries Engineering | 論文
- 漁船をプラットフォームとした海洋資源の自動観測網構想
- Acoustic Backscattering Characteristics of Swimbladderred Juvenile Fish Derived from Cage Experiments
- Genetic Differentiation of Natural Populations of the Snake-head Fish, Channa striatus in Thailand
- Genetic characteristics and relationships of climbing perch Anabas testudineus populations in Thailand
- Non-Linear Periodic Motions of a Ship Running in Following and Quartering Seas〔含 討論〕
- 動物に学ぶ 魚を判別できるイルカ型ソナーをつくる
- Analysis of Microsatellite DNA Polymorphisms in Rockfish Sebastes thompsoni and Application to Population Genetics Studies
- イルカのソナーをまねる (特集 海棲哺乳類をめぐる技術)
- Swimming angle and target strength of larval Japanese anchovy (Engraulis japonicus)
- 見えないスナメリを勘定するための音響調査 (特集 スナメリ)
- 2006年度第1回〔海洋音響学会〕シンポジウム発表要旨 声を利用した海洋生物の音響観測部会の概要
- Application of echo-trace analysis to estimation of behaviour and target strength of fish
- Prolate spheroidal models for predicting general trends of fish target strength
- Toda Lattice as an Integrable System and the Uniqueness of Toda's Potential
- Stability assessment for intact ships in the light of model experiments
- Contamination of Auditory Evoked Potential of Goldfish Carassius auratus with Microphonic Potential
- Effects of Underwater Sounds on Escape Behavior of Steller Sea Lions
- 日本の水中生物音響学の黎明期 (水産・生物音響特集号)
- 断線・感電・爆発 (特集2 調査・飼育現場でのヒヤリ・ハットとその対策)
- Seasonal dynamics of fish assemblage structures in a surf zone on an exposed sandy beach in Japan