Stability assessment for intact ships in the light of model experiments
Matsuda Akihiko
National Research Institute Of Fisheries Engineering
Umeda N
National Res. Inst. Fisheries Engineering
Umeda Naoya
Department Of Naval Architecture & Ocean Engineering Graduate School Of Engineering Osaka Univer
Hamamoto Masami
Department Of Naval Architecture And Ocean Engineering Graduate School Of Engineering Osaka Universi
National Research Institute of Fisheries Engineering
- 15 Model Experiments on Extreme Motions of a Wave-Piercing Tumblehome Vessel in Following and Quartering Waves
- An investigation of different methods for the prevention of parametric rolling
- Importance of several nonlinear factors on broaching prediction
- Comparison of North European and Japanese Purse Seiners by Capsizing Model Experiments
- Correlation between femoral neck version and strain on the femur after insertion of femoral prosthesis
- Broaching prediction in the light of an enhanced mathematical model, with higher-order terms taken into account
- Prediction of capsizing probability for a ship with trapped water on deck
- Model Experiment on Anti-Broaching Steering System
- Experimental Study on Extreme Motions of a Wave-Piercing Tumblehome Vessel in Following and Quartering Waves
- Numerical prediction of the surf-riding threshold of a ship in stern quartering waves in the light of bifurcation theory
- Modeling Extreme Roll Motions and Capsizing of a Moderate-Speed Ship in Astern Waves
- Analytical formulae for predicting the surf-riding threshold for a ship in following seas
- Stability assessment for intact ships in the light of model experiments
- 6. On the Technique and the Analysis of Transient Maneuver Tests
- Capsizing Probability of an Indonesian RoRo Passenger Ship in Irregular Beam Seas〔含 討論〕
- Characteristics of Maneuvering Motions of Philippine Outrigger Craft
- Capsizing experiments of purse seiners in following and quartering seas and anti-broaching steering system (Proceedings of International Commemorative Symposium 70th Anniversary of The Japanese Society of Fisheries Science)
- Qualitative aspects of nonlinear ship motions in following and quartering seas with high forward velocity
- Nonlinear analysis of parametric rolling in longitudinal and quartering seas with realistic modeling of roll-restoring moment
- 6. Probability of Ship Capsizing due to Pure Loss of Stability in Quartering Seas
- Melnikov integral formula for beam sea roll motion utilizing a non-Hamiltonian exact heteroclinic orbit
- Theoretical study on the effect of parametric rolling on added resistance in regular head seas
- A new weather-routing system that accounts for ship stability based on a real-coded genetic algorithm
- Parametric rolling prediction in irregular seas using combination of deterministic ship dynamics and probabilistic wave theory
- Effect of freeboard and metacentric height on capsizing probability of purse seiners in irregular beam seas
- An Improvement of Broaching Prediction with a Nonlinear 6 Degrees of Freedom Model
- Predicting parametric rolling in irregular head seas with added resistance taken into account
- Broaching prediction of a wave-piercing tumblehome vessel with twin screws and twin rudders