National Research Institute Of Fisheries Engineering | 論文
- Web-based Positioning Control of Mechanics via Wireless Network
- P2-45 Noise Reduction and Target Strength (TS) Pattern Measurement of a Squid in an indoor tank(Short oral presentation for posters)
- Development of the Suspension Mechanism for Target Strength Pattern Measurements of Cephalopod
- Target Strength (TS) Pattern Measurements of Japanese Common Squid Using Mechanics of Rotating a Transducer
- 斜め追波中の船の転覆とその原因の分析
- ベルソーブックス021水生動物の音の世界, 竹村暘著, 成山堂書店, (2005年), 四六判, 188頁, 1,680円
- タ-ゲットストレングスパタ-ンの水槽での精密測定
- Analyses on Low Cycle Resonance of Ship in Astern Seas
- Genetic Divergence and Identification of Two Controversial Lanternfishes (Actinopterygii: Myctophidae: Diaphus) Based on Mitochondrial Cytochrome b Sequences and PCR-RFLP Analysis
- Noise Measurement by Echo Integrator
- Acoustic evaluation of the vertical distribution of dwarf ayu Plecoglossus altivelis altivelis in Lake Biwa
- Method for underwater measurement of the auditory brainstem response of fish
- 受動的音響手法によるヨウスコウスナメリの発見確率推定
- Measurements of auditory sensitivity in common carp Cyprinus carpio by the auditory brainstem response technique and cardiac conditioning method
- Can research on the early marine life stage of juvenile chum salmon Oncorhynchus keta forecast returns of adult salmon? : A case study from eastern Hokkaido, Japan
- Model Experiment on Anti-Broaching Steering System
- Experimental Study on Extreme Motions of a Wave-Piercing Tumblehome Vessel in Following and Quartering Waves
- イルカのソナーに学ぶ新しい魚群探知技術 (特集 空と海の生物に学ぶ--バイオメカニクスの挑戦)
- Evaluation of shrimp polyculture system in Thailand based on stable carbon and nitrogen isotope ratios
- 高周波における有鰾魚のターゲットストレングスのモデル化