National Research Institute Of Fisheries Engineering | 論文
- Startle Response Level of Japanese Anchovy Engraulis japonicus to Underwater Pure Tone Signals
- Characteristics of Maneuvering Motions of Philippine Outrigger Craft
- Geographic variations in the whistles among three Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphin Tursiops aduncus populations in Japan
- Evidence of nighttime movement of finless porpoises through Kanmon Strait monitored using a stationary acoustic recording device
- Gillnet Passive Acoustic Deterrents:Investigating Inter-Reflector Spacings with a Harbor Porpoise Phocoena phocoena
- Changes in Scotopic Spectral Sensitivity of Ayu Plecoglossus altivelis
- 6. Probability of Ship Capsizing due to Pure Loss of Stability in Quartering Seas
- Experimental Investigation of an Acoustic Method to Estimate Fish Abundance Using Culture Nets : Acoustical Measurements and Instrumentation
- Decadal changes in reproduction of walleye pollock (Theragra chalcogramma) off the Pacific coast of northern Japan
- 9. Temporal Changes in Distribution of Walleye Pollock Eggs South of Hokkaido, Japan
- 声を聞いて海洋動物の数を知る
- 乾期のジュゴンによる摂餌場選択に及ぼす水深の影響
- 3Pa6-4 入射角度と音響反射強度の関係を用いたアジ・サバの判別方法(ポスターセッション)
- Preliminary evaluation of underwater sound detection by the cephalopod statocyst using a forced oscillation model
- Underwater sound detection by cephalopod statocyst
- On the Dispersion of Dolphins by Underwater Ultrasonic Waves : Underwater Sound
- Relationship between light and diel vertical migration of Diaphus theta and Euphausia pacifica off eastern Hokkaido
- An Improvement of Broaching Prediction with a Nonlinear 6 Degrees of Freedom Model
- Nonlinear dynamics of ship capsizing due to broaching in following and quartering seas
- Basin-scale distribution pattern and biomass estimation of Japanese anchovy Engraulis japonicus in the western North Pacific