National Res. Inst. Metals | 論文
- Effect of Molecular-Weight Distributions of Resist Polymers and Process Control on Lithography for 0.1μm and Below
- Correlation of Nano Edge Roughness in Resist Patterns with Base Polymers
- Nanofabrication with Langmuir-Blodgett Films of a Chemical Amplification Resist SAL601
- Formation of Fractionated Novolak Resin Langmuir-Blodgett Films
- Acid-Catalyzed Reactions of Tetrahydropyranyl-Protected Polyvinylphenol in a Novolak-Resin-Based Positive Resist
- Dissolution Inhibition of Phenolic Resist by Diazonaphthoquinone: Effect of Polymer Structure : Resist and Processes
- Dissolution Inhibition of Phenolic Resins by Diazonaphthoquinone : Effect of Polymer Structure
- Negative Resist for i-Line Lithography Utilizing Acid Catalyzed Silanol-Condensation Reaction : Resist Material and Process
- Negative Resist for i-Line Lithography Utilizing Acid Catalyzed Silanol-Condensation Reaction
- Dissolution Behavior of Novolak/Dissolution Inhibitor Resist Systems in an Aqueous Base Developer : Resist Material and Process
- Void Swelling of Proton Irradiated Fe-15Cr-20Ni Ternary Alloy