National Institute for Researches in Inorganic Materials | 論文
- Observation of Heat Diffusion across Submicrometer Metal Thin Films Using a Picosecond Thermoreflectance Technique
- Observation of Heat Diffusion across Submicrometer Metal Thin Films Using a Picosecond Thermoreflectance Technique
- Picosecond Thermoreflectance Measurements of Thermal Diffusion in Film/Substrate Two-Layer Systems
- Development of a thermal diffusivity measurement system with a picosecond thermoreflectance technique
- A Thermal Conductivity Measmement Method for Electricity Nonconducting Thin Films Based on Radiation Heat Exchange
- Thermal Conductivity of Diamond Films Synthesized by Microwave Plasma CVD
- 領家変成帯高遠地方にみられる角閃石と片麻岩との化学反応について
- 長野県高遠-塩尻地方に分布する変成岩中のジルコンについて
- A Ta_2O_5 Solid-electrolyte Switch with Improved Reliability(Session3: Emerging Devices I)
- A Ta_2O_5 Solid-electrolyte Switch with Improved Reliability(Session3: Emerging Devices I)
- Electron Distribution in GaAs as Revealed by the X-Ray Diffraction
- Electron Distribution in GaAs
- Identification of the Superconducting Phase in the Bi-Ca-Sr-Cu-O System : Electrical Properties of Condensed Matter
- Solid-Electrolyte Nanometer Switch(Novel Device Architectures and System Integration Technologies)
- Role of Diffusion in Atomic Manipulation on Silicon by Scanning Tunneling Microscope
- Single Crystal X-Ray Structure Analysis of Bi_2(Sr, Ca)_2CuO_x and Bi_2(Sr, Ca)_3Cu_2O_x Superconductors : Electrical Properties of Condensed Matter
- Single-Crystal X-Ray and Magnetization Study of the 106 K Bi-Sr-Ca-Cu-O Superconductor : Electrical Properties Condensed Matter
- A Single Crystal High Temperature X-Ray Study of Orthorhombic Ba_2YCu_O_ Superconductor
- X-Ray Single Crystal Structure Analysis of Tetragonal Ba_2YCu_O_, a High Temperature Form of the Superconductor
- EXAFS Measurement of High-Pressure Metallic Phase of GaAs by Use of a Diamond Anvil Cell : EXAFS AND RELATED PHENOMENA