Single Crystal X-Ray Structure Analysis of Bi_2(Sr, Ca)_2CuO_x and Bi_2(Sr, Ca)_3Cu_2O_x Superconductors : Electrical Properties of Condensed Matter
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 社団法人応用物理学会の論文
- 1988-09-20
ONO Akira
National Research Laboratory of Metrology
Ono Akira
National Institute For Researches In Inorganic Materials
Ono Akira
National Institute For Research In Inorganic Materials
Ono A
National Inst. Res. In Inorganic Materials Ibaraki Jpn
Kawashima T
Osaka Univ. Osaka Jpn
Nakai Izumi
Department of Applied Chemistry, Science University of Tokyo
National Institute for Research in Inorganic Materials (NIRIM)
IMAI Katsuhiro
Department of Chemistry, The University of Tsukuba
Department of Chemistry, The University of Tsukuba
SUENO Shigeho
Institute of Geoscience, The University of Tsukuba
Kawashima Takuji
Department Of Chemistry The University Of Tsukuba
Imai Keitaro
Ulsi Process Engineering Laboratory Microelectronics Engineering Laboratory Toshiba Corporation
Kawashima T
Hamamatsu Photonics K.k.
Nakai Izumi
Department Of Chemistry University Of Tsukuba
Nakai Izumi
Department Of Applied Chemistry Faculty Of Science Science University Of Tokyo
Imai K
Toyota Physical And Chemical Research Institute
Imai Katsuhiro
Department Of Chemistry University Of Tsukuba
Sueno S
Univ. Tsukuba Ibaraki Jpn
Sueno Shigeho
Institute Of Geoscience The University Of Tsukuba
Nakai I
Sci. Univ. Tokyo Tokyo Jpn
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