Miyazaki Medical Coll. Miyazaki Jpn | 論文
- 飼育下のニホンヤマネGlirulus japonicusで見られる脱毛現象
- 日本産野生マウスに由来する独自の近交系統MSM/Ms
- P-146 Y染色体の蟄居仮説 : 核型XOの2種の琉球トゲネズミに見られるY連関遺伝子のX染色体への部分転座ならびに一般的なY染色体矮小化に伴うY連関遺伝子の末端局在からの類推(ポスターセッション)
- Differential Expression of Dipeptidyl Peptidase IV (CD26)and Thyroid Peroxidase in Neoplastic Thyroid Tissues
- Synthesis of a Glycosylated Peptide Thioester by the Boc Strategy and Its Application to Segment Condensation
- Possible involvement of emmprin, an MMP inducer, in glioma invasion and its inhibition by synthetic peptides carrying the active domain sequences
- Coordinated Expression of MMPs in Pathfinder Cells and Reorganization of Extracellular Matrix during Cohort Migration
- Genotype distribution in Nagoya and new genotype (genotype 3a) in Japanese patients with hepatitis C virus
- 下顎骨に見られるタヌキNyctereutes procyonoidesの地理的変異--多変量解析による分析の試み
- GB virus C (GBV-C)/hepatitis G virus (HGV) infection in a hepatitis C virus hyper-endemic area in Japan
- A novel family of repetitive DNA sequences amplified site-specifically on the W chromosomes in Neognathous birds.
- Molecular Characterization of the Mouse mtprd Gene, a Homologue of Human TPRD: Unique Gene Expression Suggesting Its Critical Role in the Pathophysiology of Down Syndrome^1
- Synthesis and conformational characterization of the extracellular Ig domain of emmprin carrying N-linked sugar
- Risk of accidental invasion and expansion of allochthonous mice in Tokyo metropolitan coastal areas in Japan
- Phylogeographic origin of Hokkaido house mice (Mus musculus) as indicated by maternal, paternal and biparental inheritance molecules
- 日本産マウス(M.m.molossinus)とロシア産マウス(M.m.musculus)におけるrRNA遺伝子座の同定(解剖学)
- A randomized controlled trial of consensus interferon with or without lactoferrin for chronic hepatitis C patients with genotype 1b and high viral load
- Familial clustering of GB virus C/hepatitis G virus infection among the Jewish population in Uzbekistan
- c-Kit Proto-oncogene Is More Likely to Lose Expression in Differentiated Thyroid Carcinoma Than Three Thyroid-specific Genes : Thyroid Peroxidase, Thyroglobulin, and Thyroid Stimulating Hormone Receptor