Kyushu National Agricultural Experiment Station | 論文
- 生育段階,組織部位,品種の異なるサツマイモ細胞壁多糖の糖組成〔英文〕
- Correlation between Migratory Flight of Rice Planthoppers and the Low-Level Jet Stream in Kyushu, Southwestern Japan
- Emergence of the apple snail, Pomacea canaliculata (Gastropoda: Ampullariidae), after irrigation in a paddy
- Density-dependent growth and reproduction of the apple snail, Pomacea canaliculata:a density manipulation experiment in a paddy field
- Correlation between the Immigration Area of Rice Planthoppers and the Low-Level Jet Stream in Japan
- The relationship between developmental stages of rice spikelets and the incidence of the rice bugs Leptocorisa chinensis, Lagynotomus elongatus, and Stenotus rubrovittatus in rice fields
- Effect of elevated atmospheric CO_2 concentration on ammonia oxidizing bacteria communities inhabiting in rice roots(Soil Biology)
- Effect of Free-Air CO_2 Enrichment (FACE ) on Methanogenic Archaeal Communities Inhabiting Rice Roots in a Japanese Rice Field (Soil Biology)
- Nucleotide Sequence at the 3'-Terminal Region of Sweet Potato Feathery Mottle Virus (Ordinary Strain, SPFMV-O) RNA
- Synergistic Antifungal Activity of Chitinolytic Enzymes and Prodigiosin Produced by Biocontrol Bacterium, Serratia marcescens Strain B2 against Gray Mold Pathogen, Botrytis cinerea
- Activity of Protease Extacted from Rice-Rhizosphere Soils under Double Cropping of Rice and Waeat
- Vertical changes in bacterial and archaeal communities with soil depth in Japanese paddy fields(Soil Biology)
- Molecular characterization of methane-oxidizing bacteria associated with rice straw decomposition in a rice field(Soil Biology)
- Succession and phylogenetic profile of eukaryotic communities in rice straw incorporated into a rice field : Estimation by PCR-DGGE and sequence analyses(Soil Biology)
- 6-14 Phylogenetic characterization of methane oxidizing bacteria inhabiting in rice straw incorporated into rice fields
- Succession and Phylogenetic Profile of Eubacterial Communities in Rice Straw Incorporated into a Rice Field : Estimation by PCR-DGGE Analysis (Soil Biology)
- Community Structure of Eukaryotes in Rice Roots Estimated by PCR-DGGE Pattern and Sequence Analyses(Soil Biology)
- 非病原性 Fusarium の誘導するソライロアサガオの萎凋抵抗性
- A123 非病原性フザリウムによってソライロアサガオに誘導される抵抗性と二次代謝変化について
- An Improved Method of Reverse Transcription and Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT-PCR) to Efficiently Detect Potyvirus, Sweet potato feathery mottle virus (SPFMV) RNA in Sweet Potato (Short Communication)