Kyushu Institute of Technology | 論文
- An Acceleration of TCP/IP Protocols Processing
- B-5-120 Design and ASIC Implementation of 600Mbps IEEE802.11n 4x4 MIMO OFDM System
- Linear and topological properties of a sequence space defined by an Lp-function (バナッハ空間、関数空間及び不等式の研究とその応用--RIMS研究集会報告集)
- 2P419 Calorimetric titration study of F-actin solution with potassium chloride(46. Water and bio-molecule,Poster Session,Abstract,Meeting Program of EABS & BSJ 2006)
- Effect of Carbon Contents on the Local Corrosion of MgO-C Bricks
- The Reaction between Solid MgO and Fe_tO-Al_2O_3-CaO-SiO_2 Slag
- The Reaction between MgO-Cr_2O_3 Refractory and CaO-SiO_2-Al_2O_3-Fe_tO Slag
- 1P298 ストラクチュロームにおける分子ネットワークの構築と解析(生命情報科学-構造ゲノミクス,第48回日本生物物理学会年会)
- 2P-233 ドメイン構造に基づく生体分子ネットワークの構築と解析(生命情報科学-構造ゲノミクス,第47回日本生物物理学会年会)
- A PC-Based Logic Simulator Using a Look-Up Table Cascade Emulator(Simulation and Verification,VLSI Design and CAD Algorithms)
- A Design Algorithm for Sequential Circuits Using LUT Rings(Logic Synthesis, VLSI Design and CAD Algorithms)
- Recent Trend of the Partial Discharge Measurement Technique Using the UHF Electromagnetic Wave Detection Method
- Impact Damper with Granular Materials : 4th Report Frequency Response in a Horizontal System
- 1P175 Determination of the three-dimensional structure of respiratory chain cytochrome c oxidase by electron cryo-microscopy(5. Heme protein,Poster Session,Abstract,Meeting Program of EABS & BSJ 2006)
- A genetically encoded metallothionein tag enabling efficient protein detection by electron microscopy
- A Study on the Surface Durability of Grease Lubrication Gears (The Lubricant Stirring Loss and Its Behavior in a Gear Box) : Series C : Vibration, Control Engineering, Engineering for Industry
- Growth Mechanism of ZnS:Mn Films Obtained by Hydrogen Plasma Sputtering and Its Application to a Thin-Film Electroluminescent Device
- Stress Release Behaviors of Amorphous SiC/Si Structure during Annealing : Semiconductors
- Pipe Flows of Dilute Aqueous Polymer Solution : Part 3, Viscous Sublayer and Adjacent Wall Region