Kyushu Institute of Technology | 論文
- Feedforward impedance control efficiently reduce motor variability
- An Arc-Heated High Enthalpy Test Facility for Thermal Protection Studies
- Wind shield effect of wall on an embankment by means of separation interference method
- Resonant Coupling of the Guided Mode with Surface Plasma Mode in a Stratified Structure Containing a Metal-Clad Dielectric-Film Waveguide Having Low-Refractive-Index Buffer Layer
- A trial manufacture of fluctuating wind direction tunnel that utilize the control of pressure slope orientation
- Fluctuating wind velocity and pressure characteristics of the flow in the wake of a conical hill causing large horizontal response of a bridge model
- Asymmetric temporal properties in the receptive field of transient amacrine cells in carp retina
- A Proposition of 600Mbps WLAN-Like System with Low-Complexity MIMO Decoder for FPGA Implementation
- A Memory-Based Programmable Logic Device Using a Look-Up Table Cascade with Synchronous SRAMs
- A Realization of Multiple-Output Functions by a Look-Up Table Ring(Logic Synthesis)(VLSI Design and CAD Algorithms)
- Barbara Dancygier and Eve Sweetser, Mental Spaces in Grammar : Conditional Constructions, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2005. xvii+295pp.
- Vibration Damping Characteristics and Mechanical Properties of Composite Sheets Consisting of Rolled Spheroidal Graphite Cast Irons and Mild Steels
- Performance Evaluation of UDP Traffic Affected by TCP Flows(Special Issue on Multimedia Communications in Heterogeneous Network Environments)
- Photooxidized Polysilane Binders for Low Temperature Fabrication of Dye-sensitized Solar Cells
- Effect of Nanoparticle Addition into Anode Electrodes for Direct Ethanol Fuel Cells
- 4. Study Boiler Efficiency Control
- Hydraulic Instability in Boiling Water Reactors
- Analysis of EEG Pattern Measured at Eight Electrodes on L2 English Rhythm Acquisition
- Influence of Electrode Pressure and Welding Conditions on the Maximum Tensile Shear Load : Study on the Development of Electrode Force Changeable Lap Resistance Spot Welding Machine and Characteristics of Welds (Report 2)
- Relation between Welding Conditions and Temporal Change of Electrode Force : Study on the Development of Electrode Force Changeable Lap Resistance Spot Welding Machine and Characteristics of Welds (Report 1)