Kumamoto National College of Technology | 論文
- A Ring-Type SC DC-DC Converter with Series-Connected Capacitors
- A Boltzmann Machine with Non-rejective Move(Special Section on Papers Selected from ITC-CSCC 2001)
- Design of a cell-network type SC DC-DC converter for mobile equipments
- An FPGA-implementable chaos circuit with array structure
- FPGA design of a digital circuit for estimating chaotic characteristics from approximated nonlinear functions
- Synthesis and analysis of a discrete-time CNN using 1-dimensional cell circuits with S stable points (S=2, 3, 4,...)
- Design of a Discrete-time CNN using l-Dimensional Chaos Circuits with Controllable Nonlinear Functions (特集:電気関係学会東海支部連合大会)
- Design of a Fuzzy Based Circular Pattern Recognition Circuit using Current-mode Techniques (特集:電気関係学会東海支部連合大会)
- Design of a Discrete-Time Chaos Circuit with Long Working-Life
- A Training Algorithm for Multilayer Neural Networks of Hard-Limiting Units with Random Bias (Special Section of Papers Selected from ITC-CSCC'99)
- A current-mode feature extrastion circuit based on fuzzy scheme
- Design of a 3/2 Step-Up SC DC-DC Converter for Diode-Lamps
- Design of a Switched-Capacitor DC-DC Converter with Various Outputs
- Design of a Step-Down Switched-Capacitor DC-DC Converter with Charge-Average Processes
- A Formal Linearization for a General Class of Time-Varying Nonlinear Systems and Its Applications(Nonlinear Theory and its Applications)
- Synthesis and Analysis of a Digital Chaos Circuit Generating Multiple-Scroll Strange Attractors (Special Section of Papers Selected from ITC-CSCC '98)
- Design of a Digital Chaos Circuit with Nonlinear Mapping Function Learning Ability
- FPGA Implementation of a Digital Chaos Circuit Realizing a 3-Dimensional Chaos Model(Special Section of Papers Selected from ITC-CSCC'97)
- Design of a Two-Dimensional Digital Chaos Circuit Realizing a Henon Map
- A Current-Mode Sampled-Data Chaos Circuit with Nonlinear Mapping Function Learning