Kitasato Inst. Tokyo Jpn | 論文
- Total Syntheses of the AChE Inhibitors (±)-Arisugacins F and G
- Determination of Absolute Stereochemistries of Arisugacin F and Territrem B, Novel Acetylcholinesterase Inhibitors
- Convergent Synthesis of Arisugacin Skeletons and Their Acetylcholinesterase Inhibitory Activity
- Macrolides with Promotive Activity of Monocyte to Macrophage Differentiation
- Selective and Potent In Vitro Antimalarial Activities Found in Four Microbial Metabolites
- Simaomicin α: Effects on the Cell Cycle of Synchronized, Cultured Plasmodium falciparum
- Arisugacins C and D, Novel Acetyicholinesterase Inhibitors and Their Related Novel Metabolites Produced by Penicillium sp. FO-4259-11
- Arisugacins A and B, Novel and Selective Acetylcholinesterase Inhibitors from Penicillium sp. FO-4259
- Isolation and Preservation of the Living Embryo Sac of Crinum asiaticum L. var. japonicum Baker
- Arisugacin, a Novel and Selective Inhibitor of Acetylcholinesterase from Penicillium sp.FO-4259
- Arisugacins A and B, Novel and Selective Acetylcholinesterase Inhibitors from Penicillium sp. FO-4259 II. Structure Elucidation
- International Comparison of Wavelength Standard with a"Flying Laser"in the APMP Region
- Influence of Coexisting Crude Drugs on the Inhibitory Activity of Sinomeni Caulis et Rhizoma on Mouse Plasma Alkaline Phosphatase
- Penicillium viticola, a new species isolated from a grape in Japan
- In vitro antitrypanosomal activity of some phenolic compounds from propolis and lactones from Fijian Kawa (Piper methysticum)
- In vitro antitrypanosomal activity of bis(bibenzyls)s and bibenzyls from liverworts against Trypanosoma brucei
- Spoxazomicins A-C, novle antitrypanosomal alkaloids produced by an endophytic actinomycete, Streptosporangium oxazolinicum K07-0460^T
- Solid-phase synthesis and biological activity of malformin C and its derivatives
- Panowamycins A and B, new antitrypanosomal isochromans produced by Streptomyces sp. K07-0010
- Borrelidin, a potent antimalarial : stage-specific inhibition profile of synchronized cultures of Plasmodium falciparum