Kagoshima Univ. Kagoshima | 論文
- Peptide Motif Analysis of Anti-TNF-α Monoclonal Antibodies Using a Phage Display Library
- Toward First-Principle Simulations of Galaxy Formation : II. Shock-Induced Starburst at a Collision Interface during the First Encounter of Interacting Galaxies
- Toward First-Principle Simulations of Galaxy Formation : I. How Should We Choose Star-Formation Criteria in High-Resolution Simulations of Disk Galaxies?
- Size-Selective Synthesis of CdS Nanoparticles on Polyethylene Films
- Anomaly in Temperature Dependence of ^Co NMR Frequency in HCP Co
- A Divergent Synthesis of Lipid A and Its Chemically Stable Unnatural Analogues
- Nearly Synchronized State and a Constant of Motion in a Coupled Chaotic Map : Condensed Matter and Statistical Physics
- Formation of Electronically Excited Fragments Resulting from Cllisions of He(2^3S) Atoms with CCl_4 and Related Chloromethanes
- Photoemission Cross Sections for Ions Produced by Collisions of He(2^3S) Atoms with Linear Triatomic Molecules and Fluorobenzenes
- Branching Ratios of Excited Sn I States Produced by Collisions of He(2^3S)Atom with SnCl_4 and Sn(CH_3)_4
- Improvement of Pollen Germinability and Storability in Some Japanese Alliums
- Statistical Mechanics of Dynamical Systems : Complex Dynamics in Nonlinear Systems
- The q-Phase Transition and Critical Scaling Laws near the Band-Crisis Point of Chaotic Attractors : General and Mathematical Physics
- Critical Scaling Laws of Dynamic Structure Functions for Type I Intermittent Chaos
- Scaling Structures and Statistical Mechanics of Type I Intermittent Chaos : General and Mathematical Physics
- Peptide-motif Analysis of Phage Clones Selected by Anti-CCR5 Monoclonal Antibody (2D7)
- Midkine (MK) Expression in Extraembryonic Tissues, Amniotic Fluid, and Cerebrosphinal Fluid during Mouse Embryogenesis
- Two Alternatively Spliced Transcripts Generated from OsMUS81, a Rice Homolog of Yeast MUS81, Are Up-Regulated by DNA-Damaging Treatments
- ASTE Observations of Nearby Galaxies : A Tight Correlation between CO (J = 3-2) Emission and Hα
- Virgo High-Resolution CO Survey : V. Circumnuclear Elliptical Ring in NGC 4569