Improvement of Pollen Germinability and Storability in Some Japanese Alliums
Sakata Y
Laboratory Of Horticultural Science
Sakata Yusuke
Laboratory Of Ornamental Horticulture Kagoshima University
Dubouzet J
Kagoshima Univ. Kagoshima
Sakata Yusuke
Laboratory Of Horticultural Science
Dubouzet Joseph
Laboratory of Horticultural Science
Arisumi Ken-ichi
Laboratory of Horticultural Science
Etoh Takeomi
Laboratory of Horticultural Science
Matsuo Eisuke
Laboratory Of Horticultural Science
Shimofurutachi Masami
Laboratory of Horticultural Science
Etoh T
Kagoshima Univ. Kagoshima Jpn
Arisumi K
Laboratory Of Horticultural Science
- Breeding for the Haet Resistant Rhododendrons : IV.The Reliability of Early Selection of Seedlings on to the Heat Resistance
- Studies on the Development of New Ornamental Allium through Interspecific Hybridization III.Hybridization of Autumn-Flowering Species through Pull-Style Pollination, Cutflower Culture and Embryo Rescue
- Induction of Mutants Related to Agronomic Characters by Gamma-Ray Irradiation in Foxtail Millet (Setaria italica (L.) P. Beauv.)
- Effect of Irradiation Conditions on Mutation Rate Induced by Gamma-Ray Irradiation in Foxtail Millet (Setaria italica (L.) P. Beauv.)
- Yellow Pigment of Camellia chrysantha Flowers
- Improvement of Pollen Germinability and Storability in Some Japanese Alliums
- Breeding for the Heat Resistant Rhododendrons V.Cross-Compatibility and Evaluation of Breedeing Materials in Section Rhododendron of Subgenus Rhododendron with Blue Flower Colours
- The Improvement of Germinability of the Immature Rhododendron Seeds by Cold Treatment
- Breeding for the Heat Resistant Rhododendrons III. The Feature of Seedling Growth of R.pseudochrysanthum, R.simiarum and Some of Their Hybrids
- Breeding for the Heat Resistant Rhododendrons : II.Differences of Heat Resistance among Species and Hybrids
- Breeding for the Hert Resistant Rhododendrons
- Peroxidase Isozymes in Various Cultivars of Leek and Kurrat
- Transfer of Cytoplasmic Male Sterility Tetraploid Radish, Raphanus sativus L., to Raphanobrassica by Means of Successive Backcrosses
- Distribution of Agroclimatic Resources in Yunnan, China
- An Attempt of Crossbreeding in Garlic
- A Search of Pollen Fertile Clones in the Iberian Garlic by RAPD Markers
- Morphological and Karyological Comparison of Garlic Clones between the Center of Origin and the Westernmost Area of Distribution
- RAPD Analysis of Ornamental Alliums for Phylogenetic Relationship
- Comparison of Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA Profiles of Crude Extracts of Pollen DNA in Allium, using Thermus aquaticus and Pyricoccus furiosus DNA polymerase combinations
- Developmental Features of Hypo-Epigeous Type Plant in the Easter Lily : Lilium longiflorum Thunb.
- Studies on the Flower Colours in the Camellia : On the Anthocyanin Constitution in C.reticulate, C.saluenensis, C.pitardii, C.hongkongensis, C.rosaeflora and C.maliflora and in the Cultivars Derived from Interspecific Hybridization
- Studies on the Flower Colours in the Camellia : II. On the Anthocyanin Constitution in the Cultivars of C. japonica, C. japonica suvsp. rusticana, C. sasanqua, C. hiemalis, C. vernalis and C. wabisuke
- Studies on the Flower Colours in Rhododendron : I.Pigment Constitutions of the Elepidote and Some Lepidote Rhododendrons
- Varietal Differences of the Development of the Scale Bulblet in the Easter Lily
- Multivalent Chromosomes in Garlic, Allium sativum L.
- A Morphological Observation on the Formation of Abnormal Flowers in Garlic : Allium sativum L.
- Manifestation of Male Sterility in Autotetraploids Derived from Diploid Male-Sterile Radishes : Raphanus sativus L.
- RAPD Variation of Garlic Clones in the Center of Origin and the Westernmost Area of Distribution
- Studies on the Sterility in Garlic, Allium sativum L.
- An Attempt to obtain Binucleate Pollen of Garlic, Allium sativum L.
- Seed Productivity and Germinability of Various Garlic Clones Collected in Soviet Central Asia
- Development and Degeneration of the Tapetum in Garlic, Allium sativum L.
- Peroxidase Isozymes in the Leaves of Various Clones of Garlic, Allium sativum L.
- Variation of Chromosome Pairings in Various Clones of Garlic, Allium sativum L.
- Accomplishment of Microsporogenesis in a Garlic Clone
- 葉からのDNA粗抽出物によるRAPDに基づくネギ属種間雑種の確認