Japan Wildlife Research Center | 論文
- カラマツハラアカハバチ大発生時における小哺乳類の食性
- カラマツハラアカハバチを捕食する小哺乳類に関する研究
- Phylogenetic Position of Draco fimbriatus,with a Molecular Perspective on the Historical Biogeography of the Genus Draco(Reptilia:Agamidae)
- 2004年秋のツキノワグマ大量出没に関する体毛の炭素・窒素安定同位体比からみた栄養診断の試み
- ツキノワグマの地域個体群区分と保全管理 : 生息環境と必要な面積(生物多様性と造園学)
- 北海道東部地方のキタキツネの齢構成
- Reproduction of Wild Japanese Macaque Females of Yakushima and Kinkazan Islands : A Preliminary Report
- Does Troop Size of Wild Japanese Macaques Influence Birth Rate and Infant Mortality in the Absence of Predators?
- 沖縄島と奄美大島におけるマングースの影響と対策 (特集:生態系の攪乱)
- 奄美大島のマングース駆除事業 : とくに生息数の推定と駆除の効果について
- マツカレハの休眠にみられる地理的変異
- マツカレハの光周反応の地理的変異と発生回数
- 外来哺乳類の影響とその対策
- O-24. Detection of chromosomal differences between female and male Amami spiny rat, XO(Abstracts of the oral and poster presentations, Abstract of the 56th Annual Meeting of The Society of Chromosome Research)
- O-07. Search of sex determination gene in Amami spiny rat, XO(Abstracts of the oral and poster presentations, Abstract of the 56th Annual Meeting of The Society of Chromosome Research)
- Home Range Structure and Inter-group Competition for Land of Japanese Macaques in Evergreen and Deciduous Forests
- インドのタール砂漠における異なった強さのヒツジの被食圧が乾燥, 半乾燥地草本植生に与える影響
- Carbon and nitrogen stable isotope ratios of the tissues and gut contents of a dugong from the temperate coast of Japan
- Relationships between short-term variations in density of juvenile yellowfin goby Acanthogobius flavimanus and environmental variables on an estuarine mudflat
- Juvenile morphology and occurrence patterns of three Butis species (Gobioidei : Eleotridae) in a mangrove estuary, southern Thailand