Japan Wildlife Research Center | 論文
- Ontogenetic diet shift, feeding rhythm, and daily ration of juvenile yellowfin goby Acanthogobius flavimanus on a tidal mudflat in the Tama River estuary, central Japan
- Larval and juvenile fishes occurring with flood tides on an intertidal mudflat in the Tama River estuary, central Japan
- Food habits of fishes on unvegetated tidal mudflats in Tokyo Bay, central Japan
- Catch efficiency of a small seine for benthic juveniles of the yellowfin goby Acanthogobius flavimanus on a tidal mudflat
- Morphological and functional development of characters associated with settlement in the yellowfin goby, Acanthogobius flavimanus
- A net design for estimating the vertical distribution of larval and juvenile fishes on a tidal mudflat
- Larvae and juveniles of two engraulid species, Thryssa setirostris and Thryssa hamiltonii, occurring in the surf zone at Trang, southern Thailand
- Juvenile morphology of three Pseudogobius species (Gobiidae) occurring in a mangrove estuary, southern Thailand
- Aggressive Intergroup Encounters in Two Populations of Japanese Macaques (Macaca fuscata)
- The genetic status of two insular populations of the endemic spiny rat Tokudaia osimensis (Rodentia, Muridae) of the Ryukyu Islands, Japan
- インドネシアジャワ島西部グヌン・ハリムン国立公園における食肉類の予備調査モニタリングのためのカメラトラップとラジオトラッキングの適用沖縄生物学会第34回大会講演要旨
- Size and Distribution of Home Ranges of the Japanese Shrew-mole Urotrichus talpoides
- エゾヒグマの年齢査定と齢構成
- Natural distribution of δ^C and δ^N values of flora and fauna in Tsushima
- 日本産哺乳類の絶滅危惧度合い評価ワークショップ
- 第11回締約国会議とワシントン条約の今後 (特集 ワシントン条約を考える)
- ジャコウジカ類の保全とワシントン条約 : とくに日本との関わりについて
- 野生生物保全の新しい潮流とワシントン条約 (特集 ワシントン条約を考える)
- 野生生物の保全と「種の保存法」
- 野生動物の生息環境保全と森林管理--北アメリカにおける試み