Ishikawajima-harima Heavy Industries Co. Ltd. | 論文
- Modified TRUEX Process for the Treatment of High-Level Liquid Waste
- Mechanism of the Benzophenone-Sensitized Photolysis of O-Benzoyl-N-(1-naphthoyl)-N-phenylhydroxylamine in Cationic Micellar Media
- OS-504 Research and Development of High Temperature Core Engine(Organized Session 5: HYPR-HST/SST Propulsion System)
- 309 表面温度分布の時系列赤外線サーモグラフィ計測に基づく非破壊検査法
- 1305 パルス加熱時の温度上昇比を用いた減肉欠陥深さの簡便推定法
- 1013 熱応答波形解析赤外線サーモグラフィによる欠陥評価法の開発
- F-1110 ロックインサーモグラフィによる欠陥深さの定量計測に関する実験的検討(J25-3 欠陥・き裂)(J25 機械力学,材料力学,エンジン関連の計測技術)
- 学内LAN を利用した参加型授業の試み
- Role of MDM2 Overexpression in Doxorubicin Resistance of Breast Carcinoma
- MDM2 in Breast Cancer
- TURBOCHARGERS IN JAPAN(Activities in the Field of Gas Turbines and Turbochargers in Japan)
- TURBOCHARGERS FOR AUTOMOBILE IN JAPAN(Activities in the Field of Gas Turbines and Turbochargers of JAPAN)
- 8. Studies on Deformation and Cracking in One Sided Welding
- 611 平板上の遮熱コーティングの熱疲労損傷
- 新たな展開を見せる漆の酵素 : マルチ銅オキシダーゼ
- Report on Organized Sessions
- Distortions and Residual Stresses of Gears Caused by Hardening : 1st Report, Through-Hardening of Solid Cylinder Made of S45C Carbon Steel
- TS-87 Application of Low Solidity Diffuser for High Pressure Ratio Centrifugal Compressor(Session D-2 Internal Flow 1)
- Technical Session(International Gas Turbine Congress 1999 Kobe)
- FRP製歩道橋の機械的接合部に関する実験的評価