Institute of laser Engineering, Osaka University | 論文
- Generation of ultrashort UV laser pulse and its application to ream-time vibrational spectroscopy
- Hyperfine Structure Constants and Isotope Shift Determination in ZrI by Laser-Induced Fluorescence Spectroscopy
- A High Resolution Infrared Spectrum of C_2H_6 Using a Pb_Sn_Te Diode Laser
- Surface Alteration of Amorphous Si_3N_4 Films by ArF Excimer Laser Irradiation
- Imaging Characteristics of a Replicated Wolter Type. : I. X-Ray Mirror Designed for Laser Plasma Diagnostics
- Density Matched Coating for Laser Fusion Targets
- Fine-Structure Splitting in ν_4 of CF_4 Measured by Tunable Diode Laser
- Improvement of Thomson Scattering Diagnostics Using Stimulated-Brillouin-Scattering-Based Phase Conjugate Mirrors
- Interaction of Ultra Intense Laser with Overdense Plasma
- Formation of Stable Pinch Column in Focus Plasma
- Neutron Yield Enhancement in a CO_2 Laser Irradiated Plasma Focus
- Optical Measurement of Laser-Driven Imploding Shock Wave
- Reduction of Nonlinear Absorption in Li2B4O7 by Temperature- and Repetition Rate-Control
- Super High Voltage System for Ion Beam Inertial Confinement Fusion
- Magnetic Field Effects on Resonance Absorption
- Recent Laboratory Astrophysics Experiments at LULI
- Selection of Glassmicroballoon and Measurement of Pellet Properties for Laser Fusion Experiments
- Two-Dimensional Multi-Lens Array with Circular Aperture Spherical Lens for Flat-Top Irradiation of Inertial Confinement Fusion Target
- Wave Front Control of Optical Components by Laser Ablative Figuring(LAF)