Institute of Applied Biochemistry, University of tsukuba | 論文
- Arthrobacter sp. I-552のレボグルコサン代謝に関与するレボグルコサン脱水素酵素
- α-Cedren-14-al : オオツノコクヌストモドキ (Gnatocerus cornutus (F.)) の集合フェロモンの微量成分
- F402 オオツノコクヌストモドキ(Gnathoccrus cornutus)の集合フェロモン(生理活性物質)
- Specificity of β-Mannanase from Penicillium purpurogenum for Konjac Glucomannan(Biological Chemistry)
- Immunological Properties and Constituent Amino Acids of Three Xylanases Produced Inductively from Streptomyces sp.
- Purification and Properties of Three Types of Xylanases Induced by Methyl β-Xyloside from Streptomyces sp.
- Microbial Decolorization of Molasses Waste Water by Mycelia Sterilia D90(Microbiology & Fermentation Industry)
- Screening of Filamentous Fungi Having the Ability to Decolorize Molasses Pigments(Microbiology & Fermentation Industry)
- Decolorization of Molasses Waste Water by a Thermophilic Strain, Aspergillus fumigatus G-2-6(Microbiology & Fermentation Industry)
- Increased activity and reduced sensitivity of glutamine synthetase in glufosinate-resistant vetiver (Vetiveria zizanioides Nash) cells
- Induction of Membrane-Bound Xylosidase in a Streptomyces sp.
- Role of the Mammalian Cox17p Peptide in Copper Trafficking and Cellular Respiration
- Gene Expression Analysis of Mouse Copper Trafficking Molecule, Cox17p.
- Expression and Copper-binding Activity of Mammalian Cox17p
- Crystallization and Preliminary X-ray Crystallographic Study of Streptomyces olivaceoviridis E-86 β-Xylanase
- Rustmicin, a New Macrolide Antibiotic Active Against Wheat Stem Rust Fungus(Organic Chemistry)
- Propanosine (K-76), a New Antibiotic Active against Valsa ceratosperma, the Pathogen of Apple Canker Disease
- キンクロラック処理トウモロコシ葉片におけるエチレン生成量に及ぼす温度の影響
- Involvement of a Glu71-Arg64 Couple in the Access Channel for NADH in Cytochrome P450nor
- Nitrous Oxide-forming Codenitrification Catalyzed by Cytochrome P450nor