Institute Of Scientific And Industrial Research Osaka University | 論文
- Application of Nano-Diffraction to Local Structure Analysis of Amorphous Pd_Si_ Alloy Thin Films
- 1P179 1B1310 熱揺らぎによってF1-ATPaseの触媒反応は加速する(分子モーター,口頭発表,第48回日本生物物理学会年会)
- 1P-135 揺らぎの定理を用いたF_1-ATPaseのトルク測定(分子モーター,第47回日本生物物理学会年会)
- 1TA4-09 揺らぎの定理を用いたF1-ATPaseのトルク測定(分子モーター,第47回日本生物物理学会年会)
- 円板からの過度放射波形に及ぼす入射パルス幅の影響
- Charge Transport Properties of Hexabenzocoronene Nanotubes by Field Effect : Influence of the Oligoether Side Chains on the Mobility
- Occurrence in Alcaligenes MC11 of a NAD-dependent Dehydrogenase with High Specificity towards Ether-Alcohol Compounds
- Extracellular Polysaccharides of Rhizobium from the Bangkok MIRCEN Collection
- Supramolucular Inclusion Complexes of Fullerenes Using Cyclotriveratrylene Derivatives with Aromatic Pendants
- Modulated Structure of the Thermoelectric Compound [Ca_2CoO_3]_CoO_2
- Synthesis and Superconductivity of a New High-T_c Tl-Ba-Ca-Cu-O Phase : Electrical Properties of Condensed Matter
- 25aRL-8 コンフィギュレーションスイッチング単一分子デバイスの動作機構(25aRL 分子デバイス・DNA,領域7(分子性固体・有機導体))
- Real-Time Estimation of Fast Egomotion with Feature Classification Using Compound Omnidirectional Vision Sensor
- Neutron Diffuse Scattering Study of the High Temperature Phase of Fe_3O_4-I,Determination of Atomic Displacements at the X Point in the Brillouin Zone
- Synthesis and Characterization of Photoconducting Polyaniline-TiO_2 Nanocomposite
- The Dynamic Structure of Regioregulated Poly(4-methylthiazole-2,5-diyl)
- Molecular Motion of Long Deoxyribonucleic Acid Chains in a Concentrated Polymer Solution Depending on the Frequency of Alternating Electric Field
- Stretching of Long DNA under Alternating Current Electric Fields in a Concentrated Polymer Solution
- Cooperative Dynamics of an Artificial Stochastic Resonant System
- Gene Structure and Regulation of Alkane Monooxygenases in Propane-Utilizing Mycobacterium sp. TY-6 and Pseudonocardia sp. TY-7(GENETICS, MOLECULAR BIOLOGY, AND GENE ENGINEERING)