Hydrospheric Atmospheric Research Center Nagoya University | 論文
- A Method Using Radar Reflectivity Data for the Objective Classification of Precipitation during the Baiu Season
- Evolution Process and Precipitation Particles of an Isolated Echo Observed with Dual-polarization Doppler Radar near Sapporo on July 9, 1992
- Internal and Meso-γ Scale Structures of Baiu Frontal Rainbands Observed at Shigaraki, Shiga Prefecture by using a Dual-Polarization Dropper Radar
- Doppler Radar Observations of Orographic Effects of Isolated Echoes during the Baiu Season at Nagasaki Prefecture, on July 14 and 15, 1988
- Sensitivity of the central Asian climate to uplift of the Tibetan Plateau in the coupled climate model (MRI-CGCM1)
- Effects of Large-scale Orography on the Coupled Atmosphere-Ocean System in the Tropical Indian and Pacific Oceans in Boreal Summer
- An Evolution of the Asian Summer Monsoon Associated with Mountain Uplift-Simulation with the MRI Atmosphere : Ocean Coupled GCM
- D367 大気球面形状の考慮が南極域成層圏化学過程及び気象場に与える影響 : ナッジング化学輸送モデル及び化学気候モデルを用いた考察(物質循環III)
- CCSR/NIES成層圏ナッジング化学輸送モデル及び光化学結合モデルへの大気球面効果の導入
- CCSR/NIES AGCM放射計算スキームへの大気の球面効果の導入
- A353 熱帯大気大循環と雲の放射影響力の関係性に関する気候モデル再現性(スペシャル・セッション「地球温暖化に伴う大気海洋諸現象の変化を考える-CMIP3マルチ気候モデル比較解析研究から-」)
- P169 Application of Wind profilers : Diurnal and seasonal variation of precipitating cloud systems over Asia and Western Tropical Pacific Ocean
- Characteristics of Convective Clouds Observed by a Doppler Radar at Naqu on Tibetan Plateau during the GAME-Tibet IOP
- Bird Migration Echoes Observed by Polarimetric Radar
- Structure of Moist Layer and Sources of Water over the Southern Region Far from the Meiyu/Baiu Front
- An Interpretation of TRMM Radar Observations of Shallow Convection with a Rain Cell Model(1. Precipitation Radar (PR),Precipitation Measurements from Space)
- A304 CMIP3マルチモデルにおける熱帯対流活動に伴う雲の放射影響力の再現性(気候システムII)
- P124 北半球夏季インド洋における巻雲増加について
- B460 CMIP3マルチモデルにおける熱帯大規模上昇流域での降雨・上層雲の再現性(CMIP3マルチ気候モデルにおける大気海洋諸現象の再現性比較,専門分科会)
- Structure and Maintenance Process of Stationary Double Snowbands along the Coastal Region