Hokkaido Fish Hatchery | 論文
- 飢餓中のサクラマス当歳魚の肝臓におけるトリグリセリドおよびグリコーゲン含量の変動
- 河川下流域に放流されたサクラマススモルトの遊漁による釣獲尾数の推定
- 腎臓における傍糸球体細胞数を用いたサクラマススモルトの海水適応能評価
- サクラマス幼魚の遊漁による釣獲サイズについて
- 池産サクラマスの共食いによる初期減耗
- Analysis of the Change in Dominant Phytoplankton Species in Unstratified Lake Oshima-Ohnuma Estimated by a Bottle Incubation Experiment
- Checklists of Trichoptera in Japan. 4. Goeridae, Uenoidae, and Limnephilidae
- Morphological and Geographical Notes on the Genus Palaeagapetus in the Asian Far East, with Descriptions of Two New Species (Trichoptera, Hydroptilidae)
- Effectiveness of stocking masu salmon Oncorhynchus masou fry as a means of increasing commercial catches
- Effect of smolt size on postrelease survival of hatchery-reared masu salmon Oncorhynchus masou
- Commercial harvest of hatchery-reared masu salmon Oncorhynchus masou estimated by a coast-wide sampling program in Hokkaido, northern Japan, and the two-stage sampling schemes of landings
- Changes in Seawater Adaptability, Na+, K+-ATPase Activity and Circulating Thyroxine Levels in the Underyearling Broodstock Masu Salmon (Oncorhynchus masou) during and after Smoltification
- Effects of Rhizopus extract administration on somatic growth and sexual maturation in lacustrine sockeye salmon Oncorhynchus nerka
- EFFECTS OF SALMON GnRH AND SEX STEROID HORMONES ON EXPRESSION OF GENES ENCODING GnRH RECEPTORS IN MASU SALMON PITUITARY CELLS IN VITRO(Endocrinology,Abstracts of papers presented at the 76^ Annual Meeting of the Zoological Society of Japan)
- Description of the type species of the genus Goerodes and generic assignment of three East Asian species (Trichoptera, Lepidostomatidae)
- A new species of the genus Palaeagapetus Ulmer (Trichoptera, Hydroptilidae) from Japan
- 通し回遊性サケ目魚類の種苗生産技術向上に関する研究
- Cryopreservation diluents for spermatozoa of Sakhalin taimen Hucho perryi
- 魚類防疫 サケマスふ化管理における銅イオンの利用
- Cryopreservation of masu salmon sperm by the pellet method