Hokkaido Fish Hatchery | 論文
- Identifying sea-run brown trout, Salmo trutta, using Sr : Ca ratios of otolith
- サケ(Oncorhynchus keta)雄の排精に及ぼすサケ脳下垂体ならびにヒト胎盤性性腺刺激ホルモンの効果
- Role of taurine in hyperosmotic stress response of fish cells (Proceedings of International Commemorative Symposium 70th Anniversary of The Japanese Society of Fisheries Science)
- EFFECTS OF SEX STEROIDS AND SALMON GNRH ON GTH SUBUNIT GENE EXPRESSION IN MASU SALMON PITUITARY CELLS IN VITRO(Endocrinology)(Proceeding of the Seventy-Third Annual Meeting of the Zoological Society of Japan)
- Variations of Dinarthrum stellatum ITO (Trichoptera, Lepidostomatidae), Males from Hokkaido and Kuril Islands, the Asian Far East
- Estimation of heritability and genetic correlation of number of abdominal and caudal vertebrae in masu salmon
- Aeromonas salmonicidaの自発凝集性と宿主防御機構に対する抵抗性
- Morphological changes in juxtaglomerular cells of the kidney during smoltification in masu salmon Oncorhynchus masou
- Ice algae and phytoplankton in the late ice-covered season in Notoro Ko lagoon, Hokkaido
- Cryopreservation of Sakhalin Taimen Hucho perryi spermatozoa: effect of cryoprotectants on post-thaw fertility
- ヤマトシジミ稚貝の生残に及ぼす塩分,水温ならびに餌料の影響
- サケの排精におよぼすサケ脳下垂体,合成LH-RHならびに17α,20β-dihydroxy-4-pregnen-3-oneの効果
- Abundance of salmon carcasses at the upper reach of a fish trap
- High-West and Low-East Distribution Patterns of Chlorophyll a, Primary Productivity and Diatoms in the Subarctic North Pacific Surface Waters, Midwinter 1996
- Description of a Far Eastern Lepidostomatid Caddisfly, Dinarthrum coreanum (Kumanski et Weaver, 1992) (Trichoptera)
- Evaluation of loss rate of coded-wire tags implanted into adipose eye tissue of masu salmon Oncorhynchus masou and effect on growth of tagged salmon
- Feeding Ecology of Juvenile Masu Salmon Oncorhynchus masou in the Coasts of Hokkaido with Special Reference to Stomach Contents
- 卵の粘性除去, 孵化率及び孵化仔魚の健苗性に与えるワカサギ卵への未焼成ホタテ貝殻粉末懸濁水処理の効果
- シロザケ稚魚における飼育環境と健康状態の関係
- シロザケ稚魚に与える高密度飼育の生理学的影響