Effectiveness of stocking masu salmon Oncorhynchus masou fry as a means of increasing commercial catches
- 論文の詳細を見る
- Japanese Society of Fisheries Scienceの論文
- 2001-12-01
Kitada Shuichi
Department of Cardio-Renal Medicine and Hypertension, Nagoya City University Graduate School of Medi
Nagata Mitsuhiro
Hokkaido Prefectural Fish Hatchery
Hokkaido Fish Hatchery
Kitada Shuichi
Department Of Aquatic Biosciences Tokyo University Of Fisheries
Kitada S
Tokyo Univ. Marine Sci. And Technol. Tokyo Jpn
Hokkaido Institute of Fish Hatchery
Hokkaido Fish Hatchery
Hokkaido Fish Hatchery
Nagata Mitsuhiro
Hokkaido Fish Hatchery
Takeuchi Katsumi
Hokkaido Fish Hatchery
Miyakoshi Y
Hokkaido Fish Hatchery Hokkaido
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