Hiroshima university | 論文
- Formation of cobalt and cobalt-silicide nanodots on ultrathin SiO2 induced by remote hydrogen plasma (Special issue: Dry process)
- ^Sr Concentration in Cow Teeth from South Ural Region, Russia, Using Monte Carlo Simulation
- 1P-168 細胞性粘菌の仮足生成の統計解析(細胞生物的課題(接着,運動,骨格,伝達,膜),第47回日本生物物理学会年会)
- A Possibilistic and Stochastic Programming Approach to Fuzzy Random MST Problems(Neural Networks and Fuzzy Systems, Recent Advances in Circuits and Systems)
- IS-9 Inverse-Correlation between Cyclin E mRNA Overexpression and p53 Protein Accumulation in Ovarian Cancer
- IS-8 Reduced Expression of Cyclin-dependent Kinase Inhibitor p27^ is Associated with the Development of Epithelial Ovarian Tumor
- IS-27 p53 gene mutation, p53 protein accumulation and p21 mRNA underexpression in common epithelial tumors of the ovary
- Cyclin-Dependent Kinase 2 Activity after X-irradiation of Apoptosis-Sensitive and -Resistant Mouse Lymphonia Cell Lines
- マルチグリッド法による有限要素解析の高速化
- ノンネスティッドマルチグリッド法を用いた有限要素解析の高速化
- Elementary Science Teachers' Perceptions on Teaching Impediments in Japan and Indonesia : Does the teachers perception of the teaching impediments obstacle to the promotion of the problem solving method?(What does Japanese science education can suggest to
- Study on Influence of X-ray Baggage Scan on ESR Dosimetry for SNTS using Human Tooth Enamel
- Toward High Sensitivity ESR Dosimetry of Mammal Teeth : The Effect of Chemical Treatment
- Elementary Sclence Teachers' Perceptions of Problem-Solving Skills in Indonesia and Japan : Focusing on Teaching Objectives and Teaching Method
- How much effective the laboratory science is? : From the perspectives on the educational productivity
- 608 液体金属の密閉容器内自然対流数値計算における3次元計算の重要性(熱工学II)
- Radiation Dose Estimation by Tooth Enamel EPR Dosimetry for Residents of Dolon and Bodene
- Results of EPR Dosimetry for Population in the Vicinity of the Most Contaminating Radioactive Fallout Trace After the First Nuclear Test in the Semipalatinsk Test Site
- Tooth Enamel EPR Dosimetry : Optimization of EPR Spectra Recording Parameters and Effect of Sample Mass on Spectral Sensitivity
- 真空紫外円二色性による生体分子の高次元構造解析 : 放射光が拓くCD分光法のブレイクスルー