Hiroshima Univ. | 論文
- 中学校・高等学校における新しい数学科教育課程の研究開発(5) : 教育課程の高・大連接の問題について
- A Method for Transient Stability Analysis as Boundary Value Problem
- 航空機弾道飛行で両生類に嘔吐をもたらす要因
- 算数学習における理解過程に関する研究(II) : 第2学年における三角形と四角形の概念を中心に
- The Impact of H_2 Anneal on Resistive Switching in Pt/TiO_2/Pt Structure(Session 2A : Memory 1)
- Characterization of Mg Diffusion into HfO_2/SiO_2/Si(100) Stacked Structures and Its Impact on Detect State Densities(Session 7A : Gate Oxides)
- The Impact of H_2 Anneal on Resistive Switching in Pt/TiO_2/Pt Structure(Session 2A : Memory 1)
- 光重合型レジンの溶出に関する研究(第3報) ラジカル発生と溶出CQの関係について
- Total Transfer Capability Assessment Incorporating Corrective Controls for Transient Stability using TSCOPF
- Mortality of A-bomb Survivors in Nagasaki based on ABS93D
- 21世紀の数学教育を考える
- 21世紀の数学教育を考える
- Analysis of Fish-Like Propulsion (可視化情報学会全国講演会(宇都宮2003)講演論文集)
- Incorporating Penalty Function to Reduce Spill in Stochastic Dynamic Programming Based Reservoir Operation of Hydropower Plants
- Performance Improvement for Distributed Active Noise Control Systems Based on Simultaneous Equations Method(Multi-channel Acoustic Signal Processing)
- Is the Ku70 a Target of Wortmannin, Phosphatidylinositol 3-Kinase Inhibitor?
- Identification of missense mutation (G365R) of the Butyrylcholinesterase (BChE) gene in a Japanese patient with familial cholinesterasemia
- Mutation Induction and RBE of Monoenergetic Neutrons in V79 Cells
- Radiosensitization by PI3-kinase inhibitor wortmannin in human osteosarcoma cells in vitro
- Evaluation of the Characteristics of Boron-Dose Enhancer(BDE) Materials for BNCT using Near Threshold 7Li(p,n)7Be Direct Neutrons (平成14年度専門研究会報告書「中性子捕捉療法システムの高度化」)