Graduate School of Science, Himeji Inst. of Tech. | 論文
- OS4(5)-19(OS04W0319) Measurement of Local Minute Strain by Using Synchrotron X-Ray Microbeam
- Evaluation of Lattice Strain in Silicon Substrate Beneath Aluminum Conductor Film Using High-Resolution X-Ray Microbeam Diffractometry
- Formation of Parallel X-Ray Microbeam and Its Application
- Phase-Contrast X-Ray Imaging Using Both Vertically and Horizontally Expanded Synchrotron Radiation X-Rays with Asymmetric Bragg Reflection
- 500-nm-Resolution 10 keV X-Ray Imaging Transmission Microscope with Tantalum Phase Zone Plates
- Real-Time Observation of Fractional-Order X-ray Reflection Profiles of InP(001) During Step-Flow Growth
- Scanning Differential-Phase-Contrast Hard X-Ray Microscopy with Wedge Absorber Detector
- High-Spatial-Resolution Phase Measurement by Micro-Interferometry Using a Hard X-Ray Imaging Microscope
- 230 nm Resolution 10 keV X-Ray Imaging Transmission Microscope with Parallel Beam Illumination(Instrumentation, Measurement, and Fabrication Technology)
- 10keV X-Ray Phase-Contrast Microscopy for Observing Transparent Specimens : Instrumentation, Measurement, and Fabrication Technology
- Crystallinity Investigation of Compositionally Graded SiGe Layers by Synchrotron X-ray Cross-Sectional Diffraction
- Two-Dimensional Anisotropic Lattice Deformation Observed in a Commercially Available Strained-Si Wafer
- Real-Time Observation of Fractional-Order X-ray Reflection Profiles of InP(001) During Step-Flow Growth
- High-Spatial-Resolution Phase Measurement by Micro-Interferometry Using a Hard X-Ray Imaging Microscope