Graduate School of Informatics and Engineering, the University of Electro-Communications | 論文
- [4-2]POMDPモデルを用いた最適状態監視保全に関する一考察(セッション4 システムの信頼性・保全性およびソフトウェア面,日本信頼性学会 第19回秋季信頼性シンポジウム 報告)
- 4-2 POMDPモデルを用いた最適状態監視保全に関する一考察(セッション4「システムの信頼性・保全性およびソフトウェア面」)
- 3-6 多変量正規分布に基づく最適状態監視保全(4. 研究発表会の要旨, (社)日本品質管理学会 第77回研究発表会)
- 部分的に観測可能なマルコフ決定過程におけるControl Limit Policyの最適性への必要十分条件
- Deterministic volatility models and dynamics of option returns
- Automatic Generation of Diagram Explanation based on an Attribute Graph Grammar
- Highly Efficient Transport Protocol for Large Capacity Data Files and its details
- SEAN: Support Tool for Detecting Rule Violations in JNI Coding
- Accurate Image Expansion Method Using Range Points Based Ellipse Fitting for UWB Imaging Radar
- SEAN: Support Tool for Detecting Rule Violations in JNI Coding
- Theoretical Analysis of Multi-View Camera Arrangement and Light-Field Super-Resolution
- A Case Study of Calculation of Source Code Module Importance
- B-5-1 High Performance Interleaver Design for Coded OFDM
- An Estimation Method of Sound Source Orientation Using Eigenspace Variation of Spatial Correlation Matrix
- Image Expansion Approach for Target Buried in Dielectric Medium with Extended RPM to Multi-Static UWB Radar
- Accurate Imaging Method for Moving Target with Arbitrary Shape for Multi-Static UWB Radar
- Secure Regenerating Codes Based on Rashmi-Shah-Kumar MBR Codes
- Non-parametric Imaging Method for Multiple Moving Targets with Multi-static UWB Radar(ICSANE 2012 (International Conference on Space, Aeronautical and Navigational Electronics))
- Sharp directive beamforming using microphone array and planar reflector
- Localization of a Radio-Frequency Identification Tag from Measurements of the Fourier Coefficients of Its Magnetic Flux Density