Graduate School Osaka University | 論文
- Shaping an Axisymmetric Body for Reducing Viscous Resistance with the Use of Influence Function
- Molecular Dynamics Analysis of Elementary Process of Coating by a High-Temperature, High-Speed Droplet : Flattening Process and Atomic Behavior of a Droplet
- X-ray Fluoroscopic Observation of Bubble Characteristics in a Molten Iron Bath
- Reflection-Induced Light Correlation in Spontaneous Emission in Front of a Mirror
- Laser Emission from Dye-Doped Small Spheres by Ultraviolet N_2 Laser Pumping
- 404 摩擦撹拌プロセスによるアルミニウム表面へのSiC複合化層の形成(FSW (I))
- Model Experiments of Ship Capsize in Astern Seas-Second Report-〔含 討論〕
- Analyses on Low Cycle Resonance of Ships in Irregular Astern Seas〔含 討論〕
- Effect of Aluminum, Titanium or Silicon Addition on Nitrogen Removal from Molten Iron
- Mean Velocity and Turbulence of Water Flow in a Cylindrical Vessel Agitated by Bottom Air Injection
- Turbulence in Reactors Agitated by Bottom Gas Injection
- A Probabilistic Approach to Capsize of Ship in Random Astern Seas〔含 討論〕
- A Mathematical Model to Describe Ship Motions Leading to Capsize in Severe Astern Waves(含 討論)
- Modified Molecular Dynamics Simulation on Laser Ablation of Metal
- A Critical Situation leading to Capsize of Ships in Astern Seas〔含 討論〕
- Relation between Welding Conditions and Grain Size in Weld-Heat Affected Zone
- In-Situ Observation of Dislocation Behaviors in Melting Process of Aluminum by High Voltage Electron Microscopy
- Thermal Residual Stresses in Bonded Dissimilar Materials and Their Singularities
- Efficient Modeling of Microscopic Heterogeneity and Local Crack in Composite Materials by Finite Element Mesh Superposition Method
- Thermohydrodynamics Analysis of Fusion Phenomena Accompanied by Evaporation Due to Laser Irradiation