Graduate School Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Nagoya City University | 論文
- Effect of Karasurin-A on Nitric Oxide Production by Murine Macrophages and Mitogenic Response of Murine Splenocytes in Vitro
- The constituents of the roots of Ampelopsis japonica
- Two Phenylpropanoid Glycosides from Neopicrorhiza scrophulariiflora
- Lambert-Eaton syndrome antibodies inhibit acetylcholine release and P/Q-type Ca2+ channels in electric ray nerve endings
- Activation of adenosine A_1 receptors differentially affects acetylcholine release from electric organ synaptosomes by modulating calcium channels
- Involvement of calciseptine-Sensitive Calcium Channels in the Evoked Acetylcholine Release from Electric Organ Synaptosomes
- 2P-270 単一細胞エレクトロボレーションによって培養小脳神経細胞に導入されたsiRNAの効果の長期リアルタイムモニタリング(バイオイメージング,第47回日本生物物理学会年会)
- Phellifuropyranone A : A New Furopyranone Compound Isolated from Fruit Bodies of Wild Phellinus linteus
- ILVII-3 Kampo Medicines (Herbal Prescriptions in Japanese Traditional Medicine) as Molecular Library for Drug Development(Chemistry and Biochemistry Related to Biodiversity)
- RAPD Analysis of Ephedra Plants
- Studies on Chemical Modification of Monensin IX. Synthesis of 26-Substituted Monensins and Their Na^+Ion Transport Activity
- Novel Counter Anion Effects of Added [Co(NH_3)_6]X_3 (X^- = Cl^-, Br^-, I^-, or ClO_4^-) on Surface Tension Reduction in Aqueous Solutions of Anionic Surfactants
- Amaranthin in feather cockscombs is synthesized via glucuronylation at the cyclo-DOPA glucoside step in the betacyanin biosynthetic pathway
- Elicitor-induced activity of isorinic acid 3'-hydroxylase, an enzyme catalyzing the final step of rosmarinic acid biosynthesis in Lithospermum erythrorhizon cell suspension cultures
- Elicitor-induced rosmarinic acid biosynthesis in Lithospermum erythrorhizon cell suspension cultures : Activities of rosmarinic acid synthase and the final two cytochrome P450-catalyzed hydroxylations
- Constituents of Holothuroidea.10.^Isolation and Structure of a Biologically Active Ganglioside Molecular Species from the Sea Cucumber Holothuria leucospilota
- Discrimination of Isomeric Fragment Ions Observed in Tandem Mass Spectra of Biantennary Oligosaccharides by Use of Selective Isotope Labeling
- 1P406 Role of SynCAM in the interaction between dorsal root ganglia and mast cells(16. Cell-cell communication,Poster Session,Abstract,Meeting Program of EABS &BSJ 2006)
- Minor Saponins from Tetrapanax papyriferum
- Triterpene Saponins from Tetrapanax papyriferum K. KOCH