Graduate School Of Biomedical Sciences Nagasaki Univ. | 論文
- The Survey of A-bomb Experience and Mental Health among A-bomb Survivors in Nagasaki
- Epidemiological Study of Mental Health among Nagasaki A-Bomb Survivors.
- Mortality by cause of death of A-bomb Survivors in Nagasaki based on ABS93D
- Dose-response curves for cancer mortality in the Atomic bomb survivors - Possible threshold model in the dose-response
- Mortality of A-bomb Survivors in RERF population
- Mortality of A-bomb Survivors in Nagasaki based on ABS93D
- Change in Pharmacokinetics of Model Compounds with Different Elimination Processes in Rats during Hypothermia
- Identification of Antidiabetic Effect of Iridoid Glycosides and Low Molecular Weight Polyphenol Fractions of Corni Fructus, a Constituent of Hachimi-jio-gan, in Streptozotocin-Induced Diabetic Rats
- Highly stomach-selective gene transfer following gastric serosal surface instillation of naked plasmid DNA in rats.
- Ocular Pharmacokinetic/Pharmacodynamic Modeling for Multiple Anti-glaucoma Drugs
- Influence of murine hepatitis induced by D-(+)-galactosamine hydrochloride and lipopolysaccharide on gene expression of polyethylenimine/plasmid DNA polyplex
- Absorption and Distribution Characteristics of 5-Fluorouracil (5-FU) after an Application to the Liver Surface in Rats in Order to Reduce Systemic Side Effects
- Ocular Pharmacokinetic/Pharmacodynamic Modeling for Timolol in Rabbits Using a Telemetry System
- Spleen-Selective Gene Transfer Following the Administration of Naked Plasmid DNA onto the Spleen Surface in Mice
- Unilateral Lung-Selective Gene Transfer Following the Administration of Naked Plasmid DNA onto the Pulmonary Pleural Surface in Mice
- Transport of Timolol and Tilisolol in Rabbit Corneal Epithelium
- Stomach-Selective Gene Transfer Following the Administration of Naked Plasmid DNA onto the Gastric Serosal Surface in Mice
- Partial Hepatectomy Enhances Polyethylenimine-Mediated Plasmid DNA Delivery
- PEGylated Liposomes Loading Palmitoyl Prednisolone for Prolonged Blood Concentration of Prednisolone
- Effect of Solution Composition of Plasmid DNA on Gene Transfection Following Liver Surface Administration in Mice