Faculty of engineering, Niigata University | 論文
- Grating Interferometer Using ±1st Order Beams for Step-Profile Altitude Difference Measurement
- On Analysis of Lateral Forced Vibration of Rail Vehicle Truck running on Rails with Sinusoidal Irregularities
- A Tunable External Cavity Laser Diode Possessing a Stable Wavelength
- Interference Effect in Dynamic Stress Concentration : Effect of Cylindrical Wave on Circular Discontinuities
- Maximum A Posteriori Speckle Filtering of Synthetic Aperture Radar Images : A Sequential Approach
- A Routing Protocol for Considering the Time Variant Mobility Model in Delay Tolerant Network
- Fallout Radioactivity due to the Underground Nuclear Test of U.S.S.R. (Jan. 15, 1965)
- Luminescence Properties of Delafossite-Type CuYO2 Doped with Calcium, Oxygen or Rare Earth Tb
- Measurement of Dynamic Surface Tension of Surfactant Solutions
- Measurement of Sectional Profile of a Cylinder using a Sinusoidally Vibrating Light with Sinusoidal Intensity
- Thickness and Surface Profile Measurement by a Sinusoidal Wavelength-Scanning Interferometer
- Maximum A Posteriori Speckle Filtering of Synthetic Aperture Radar Images : A Sequential Approach
- SAR-Probe Calibration System Using Reference Dipole Antenna in Tissue-Equivalent Liquid
- Three-Component Power Decomposition for Polarimetric SAR Data Based on Adaptive Volume Scattering Model
- Balanced k-Coloring of Polyominos (Special Section on the 6th Karuizawa Workshop on Circuits and Systems)
- Interference Rejection Characteristics by Adaptive Array at User Equipment Using Measured K-Factor in Heterogeneous Networks
- カーボンブラック存在下におけるビニルモノマーの遊離ラジカル重合
- Look-Up-Table-Based Exponential Computation and Application to an EM Algorithm for GMM
- The Separation of Aluminum from Iron by the Zone-melting of Their Complexes
- カーボンブラック粒子表面の酸素含有基とスチレンの熱重合