Faculty of Science Osaka City University | 論文
- Hydrogen and Methane Fermentation of Rice Straw and Kitchen Leftovers
- 超高分解能電子顕微鏡の性能と成果-1-
- Synthesis of 1-Monoglycerides Having C_ Branched Chain Fatty Acids and Their Hemolysis Effects
- 目で見る化学の最先端 : 電子顕微鏡で捉える原子と分子の姿(原子・分子を見る)
- First Hydrothermal Vent Communities from the Indian Ocean Discovered(Ecology)
- Geological Survey in Southern to Eastern Peninsular India During 1993-1994
- A Basic Study on Teammates' Mental Workload among Ship's Bridge Team(Human Communication I)
- B-1-37 札幌-サロマ湖,沼津-サロマ湖間の流星バースト通信路同時観測(B-1.アンテナ・伝播A(電波伝搬,非通信利用),一般セッション)
- 膜式白金測温抵抗体を使用したヒートパルス式トマト茎液流センサの評価
- Magnetic microsperules in Permian and Triassic bedded chert from Southwest Japan
- Chemical Structures of Hetero-oligosaccharides Produced by Arthrobacter sp. K-1β- Fructofuranosidase
- Studies on the Radial Distribution Analysis in Diffraction Methods : III. Extrapolation of Intensity Data to Small Scattering Angle
- Chrysodin, an Antifungal Antimetabolite(Biological Chemistry)
- Polygodial-induced Sensitivity to Rifampicin and Actinomycin D of Saccharomyces cerevisiae(Biological Chemistry)
- NMR Experiments on Dilute ^3He-^4He Mixtures below 1 mK : I. QUANTUM LIQUIDS AND SOLIDS : Liquid ^4He and ^3He-^4He
- Characterization of Levan Produced by Serratia sp.
- 流星バースト通信によるサロマ湖・札幌間気象データ伝送実験
- Magnetic Susceptibility of Wurster's Blue Perchlorate
- High Resolution High-Pressure Magnetometer Based on the Ice Bomb Incorporated into Commercial SQUID Measuring System
- Protective Effects of Ca^ on Cell Membrane Damage by Polygodial in Saccharomyces cerevisiae(Biological Chemistry)