Faculty of PHarmaceutical Sciences, University of Tokyo | 論文
- Ligand-based targeted delivery of a peptide modified nanocarrier to endothelial cells in adipose tissue
- Stereochemical Studies. XIII. Determination of the Absolute Configuration of Mercaptosuccinic Acid by Chemical Correlation with Glyceraldehyde
- Chemistry of Amino Acids. IV. Decarboxylation of 1,2,3,4-Tetrahydroisoquinoline-3-carboxylic Acid and Its Derivatives
- Studies on Opically Active Amino Acids. VII. Stereoselective Synthesis of l-Norephedrine Hydrochloride from D-Phenylalanine
- Studies on Optically Active Amino Acids. V. Synthesis of Optically Active α-Aminoalcohols by the Reduction of α-Amino Acid Esters with Sodium Borohydride
- Studies on Optically Active Amino Acids. IV. A New Synthetic Approach to Chloramphenicol Base from L-Phenylalanine.
- Synthesis of α, β-Unsaturated Esters by Application of Wittig Reaction
- A Modified Emde Degradation. Reductive Cleavage of Quaternary Ammonium Salts by Raney Nickel.
- 1-IV-1 新規non-seco-ステロイド型ビタミンD誘導体の創製(ビタミン学の原点・栄養学への21世紀的回帰, 日本ビタミン学会第59回大会)
- A Rapid and Simple Procedure for Purification of S-II, a Transcription Factor of Ribonucleic Acid Polymerase II(Biological)
- Chemical Studies on the Oriental Plant Drugs. XXXII. Sapogenins from the Roots of Platycodon grandiflorum A. DE CANDOLLE. (3). The Structure of a Prosapogenin, 3-O-β-Glucosylplatycodigenin
- Chemical Studies on the Oriental Plant Drugs. XXXI. Sapogenins of the Roots of Platycodon grandiflorum A. DE CANDOLLE. (2). Structure of Platycodigenin
- Chemical Studies on the Oriental Plant Drugs. XXX. Sapogenins of the Roots of Platycodon grandiflorum A. DE CANDOLLE. (1). Isolation of the Sapogenins and the Stereochemistry of Polygalacic Acid
- Chemical Studies on the Oriental Plant Drugs. XXIX. Saponins and Sapogenins of Ginseng : Further Study on the Chemical Properties of the Side Chain of Dammarane Type Triterpenes
- Chemical Studies on the Oriental Plant Drugs. XXVIII. Saponins and Sapogenins of Ginseng : Stereochemistry of the Sapogenin of Ginsenosides-Rb_1,-Rb_2 and -Rc
- Chemical Studies on the Oriental Plant Drugs. XXVII. The Acid Catalyzed Reactions and the Absolute Configuration at C_ of Dammarane Type Triterpenes
- Chemical Studies on the Oriental Plant Drugs. XXVI. Saponins and Sapogenins of Ginseng. The Absolute Configurations of Cinenic Acid and Panaxadiol
- Sapogenins of the Roots of Platycodon grandiflorum A. DE CANDOLLE and the Stereochemistry of Polygalacic Acid
- Chemical Studies on the Oriental Plant Drugs. XVII. The Prosapogenin of the Ginseng Saponins : Ginsenosides-Rb_1,-Rb_2,and -Rc
- Chemical Studies on the Oriental Plant Drugs. XVI. The Stereochemistry of Protopanaxadiol, a Genuine Sapogenin of Ginseng