Faculty of Engineering, Ehime University | 論文
- Fingerprinting Protocol Based on Distributed Providers Using Oblivious Transfer(Cryptography,Information Theory and Its Applications)
- Security of Modified Counter Modes(HISC2006)
- New Weakness in the Key-Scheduling Algorithm of RC4
- Anomalous Paramagnetic Property of NdNbO_4 Single Crystals
- Synthetic Study of Optically Active 3-Azabicyclo[3.3.0]octane-2,6,8-tricarboxylic Acid
- Neutron Paramagnetic Scattering from Antiferromagnetic RbMnF_3 and Mn_3Pt Using Time of Flight Technique
- Resolution Function and Recent Developments of the Multi-Analyser Crystal Spectrometer MAX
- Preparation of Oriented Orthorhombic LnBa_2Cu_3O_ Polycrystals
- Spin Dynamics in a Quasi-Two Dimensional Antiferromagnet MnTiO_3
- Search for Jovian Hectometric and Kilometric Radiation by GEOTAIL Spacecraft during the Impact of Comet Shoemaker-Levy9
- Gene Transfection into HeLa Cells by Vesicles Containing Cationic Peptide Lipid
- Superconductivity in Hydrogen-Doped Nd_Ce_CuO_4
- Preparation of Superconducting Bi-Sr-Ca-Cu-O Films by Plasma-Assisted Organometallic Chemical Vapor Deposition
- 有限要素法による無限周期構造導波管の位相定数解析(第19回MAGDAコンファレンス)
- Analysis of Wavelet Transform in Electric Charge Distribution in Dielectric Liquids Using Pressure Wave Method
- Photoelectrochemical Behavior of Iron Oxide Electrode Prepared from Thermal Oxidation of Iron
- Photoluminescence of Eu^ and Eu^ Centers in CaS:Eu,Na Phosphors
- NMR and Magnetic Studies of Mechanically Alloyed Co_Ti_
- Quantized Electrical Field Effect in Granular Superconductor Thin Films
- Explanation of Signal Reversal of Anomalous Photovoltaic Effect in Obliquely Deposited Ge Films