Faculty of Applied Biological Science, Hiroshima University | 論文
- Characterization of the Protein and Glycan Moieties in Different Forms of Bovine Lactoferrin
- 養殖マハタから検出されたノダウイルスの病原性
- A Unique Phosphatidylinositol Bearing a Novel Branched-Chain Fatty Acid from Rhodococcus equi Binds to Influenza Virus Hemagglutinin and Inhibits the Infection of Cells
- New Naphthyridinomycin-type Antibiotics, Aclidinomycins A and B, from Streptomyces halstedi
- Effects of Bacterial Glyceroglycolipid M874B on Growth and TPA-Induced Differentiation of HL60 Cells
- Protective Effects of Bacterial Glyceroglycolipid M874B against Cell Death Caused by Exposure to Heat and Hydrogen Peroxide
- Glyceroglycolipids Preventing tert-Butylhydroperoxide-Induced Cell Death from Microbacterium sp.and Corynebacterium aquaticum Strains
- A New Type of Glycoglycerolipids from Corynebacterium aquaticum
- Isolation and Identification of a Common Intermediate Produced by Blocked Mutants from β-Rhodomycin and Daunomycin Producers
- High Production of Pyoluteorin and 2, 4-Diacetylphloroglucinol by Pseudomonas fluorescens S272 Grown on Ethanol as a Sole Carbon Source
- Growth of Bivalve-Feeder Halla okudai (Polychaeta:Lysaretidae) under Wild and Rearing Conditions, in Relation to Species and Abundance of Prey Organisms
- Effect of Salinity on Growth and Accumulation of Organic and Inorganic Solutes in the Leguminous Plants A lhagi pseudoalhagi and Vigna radiata
- Hairy Root-mediated Transgenic-Plant Regeneration in Egyptian Clover (Trifolium alexandrinum L.)
- 分子進化に伴い変化するIHNVの病原性
- 中華人民共和国におけるウイルス性神経壊死症の発生
- Interaction between searching cost and growth of the bivalvefeeder Halla okudai under rearing conditions, in relation to prey size
- BKD原因菌の培養上清を用いたKDM-2の改良
- クルマエビにおけるWSSV rVP26およびrVP28を用いた経口ワクチンの持続期間と追加投与効果
- コロニーブロットおよび免疫染色による冷水病原因菌の定量的検出
- IHNVおよび同属のウイルスを抗原としたELISAによるニジマス血清中の抗IHNV抗体検出法