Faculty Of Engineering Gunma University | 論文
- Lower Bounds on Size of Periodic Functions in Exclusive-OR Sum-of-Products Expressions (Special Section on the 6th Karuizawa Workshop on Circuits and Systems)
- Dynamic Range Compression Characteristics Using an Interpolating Polynomial for Digital Audio Systems(Digital Signal Processing)
- Tx and Rx Modulation MIMO Radar System with Orthogonal Codes
- Comparison of Cell Transfer Quality Control for Multimedia Traffic in ATM Networks
- A Compact Toroidal Plasma Produced by a Hard Core Theta Pinch with Poloidal Field Coils
- Partial Peptide Sequences from Plasmodium falciparum Enolase as Synthetic Artificial Antigens
- Effect of Specimen Size and Aging on Tensile Properties of Sn-Ag-Cu Lead-Free Solders
- Estimation of Thermal Fatigue Resistances of Sn-Ag and Sn-Ag-Cu Lead-Free Solders Using Strain Rate Sensitivity Index
- Syntheses of Fluorescent Peptides Labeled with 7-Diethylaminocoumarin and Their Photophysical Properties in Liposome Membranes
- Experimental Study of a Conical Theta-Pinch Plasma Gun
- Some Results on Decomposability of Weakly Invertible Finite Automata
- 画像データベースのアプリケーション開発のためのビジュアル言語
- Lateral Vibrations of a Rotating Shaft Driven by a Universal Joint : 2nd Report, Analyses and Experiments on Even Multiple Vibrations by Secondary Moment
- On the Stability of Turbulent Wall Jets Along Concave Surfaces
- Line Reversal Temperatures in Ionization Relaxation Flows behind Ar Shock Waves Containing a Small Amount of NaCl : Series B : Fluid Engineering, Heat Transfer, Combustion, Power, Thermophysical, Properties
- Optically Thick Model for Radiative and Collisional Effects in Nonequilibrium Argon Plasma Flows in a Circular Tube
- Ablation Experimetns of Heat-Resisting Ceramics SiC and Si_3N_4 in High-Temperature Ar Plasma Free Jets : Heat Transfer, Power, Combustion, Thermophysical Properties
- Temperature and/or Density Measurements of Asymmetrical Flow Fields by Means of the Moire-Schlieren Method : Method of Transformation of Moire-Data and Its Application to the Temperature Measurement of a Combustion Flame from a Rectangular Burner
- Density Measurements of Underexpanded Free Jets of Air from Circular and Square Nozzles by Means of Moire-Schlieren Method
- A Shortest Path Algorithm for Banded Matrices by a Mesh Connection without Processor Penalty