Earth Observation Research Center Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency | 論文
- 熱帯降雨観測衛星TRMM搭載マイクロ波放射計TMIによる海面水温の観測
- マイクロ波放射計TMIを用いた研究の展望
- 高層雲の変質過程の観測
- Characteristics of Convective Clouds Observed by a Doppler Radar at Naqu on Tibetan Plateau during the GAME-Tibet IOP
- P324 石垣島降水検証観測計画(MYCAMP)について
- 石垣島降水検証観測計画(MYCAMP)について
- ADEOS/OCTS海色データにおける雲近傍での色素濃度推定の異常と識別手法
- ADEOS-II/AMSR, Aqua/AMSR-E 観測の成果
- 技術トピックス 航空・宇宙 改良型高性能マイクロ波放射計AMSR-E
- A305 衛星搭載マイクロ波放射計AMSRE降水強度リトリーバルアルゴリズムの開発(その1)(観測手法)
- TMIとSSM/Iによる熱帯海洋上の降水日変化について
- Effect of Air-Sea Temperature Difference on Ocean Microwave Brightness Temperature Estimated from AMSR, SeaWinds, and Buoys
- Evaluation of ADEOS-II GLI Ocean Color Atmospheric Correction Using SIMBADA Handheld Radiometer Data
- TRMM/TMIによる海面水温観測
- Mesoscale Characteristics and Structures of Stratiform Precipitation on the Tibetan Plateau
- Algorithm and Validation of Sea Surface Temperature Observation Using MODIS Sensors aboard Terra and Aqua in the Western North Pacific
- Difference Characteristics of Sea Surface Temperature Observed by GLI and AMSR Aboard ADEOS-II
- Sea Surface Temperature Observation by Global Imager (GLI)/ADEOS-II : Algorithm and Accuracy of the Product
- The Sea Surface Temperature Product Algorithm of the Ocean Color and Temperature Scanner (OCTS) and Its Accuracy