Department of Physics, Osaka City University | 論文
- A Study of Noise Elimination in Relative Scattering Measurement
- Coupled-Channels Study of the Nuclear Rainbow Phenomena for the ^O + ^O System
- Breakup Effect on the ^6Li Elastic Scattering from ^Si at E/A=35 and 53 MeV
- ^6He+^6He Molecular States in Highly-Excited ^12Be
- ^6He+^6He Molecular States in Highly-Excited ^Be
- Crystal Structure of BaTiO3 Ultrafine Particles via the Sol-Gel Method (特集 光機能材料)
- Phase Transition in Dense QCD with the Schwinger-Dyson Equation
- Growth of Ice I_h in Water and Measurements of its Melting Curve
- Level Shift of Hyperfine Structure Due to the Lorentz Gauge Field
- Massless Lorentz Gauge Field Consistent with Einstein's Gravitation Theory : The Case α+2a/3=β-2a/3=γ+3a/2=0 : Astrophysics and Relativity
- Linear Approximation for the Massless Lorentz Gauge Field
- Linear Approximation for the Lorentz Gauge Field
- Quantum-Disk Excitons and Their Interaction with Phonons in BiI_3(Condensed Matter : Electronic Structure, Electrical, Magnetic and Optical Properties)
- A General Method for Obtaining the Characters of Space Groups
- The Thirring Model at Finite Temperature and Density : Analysis Based on a Derivative-Coupling Model : Particles and Fields
- A Charged Kerr Metric Solution in New General Relativity : Astrophysics and Relativity
- Determination of Glutathione and Glutathione Disulfide in Biological Samples Using Acrylonitrile as a Thiol-Blocking Reagent
- Special Relativistic Limit of Gauge Theory of Gravitation
- 3α+3α Structure of Highly Excited States in 24Mg (不安定核の構造と反応)
- Temperature Dependence of the Absorption Edge in Ferroelectric KNbO_3 Crystals