Department of Nuclear Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Osaka University | 論文
- Injection-Trapping of High Energy Molecular Ions into the Mirror Field with the RF Electric Field (II)
- Effective Spatial Homogenization with Neutron Leakage Effect for FBR Control Rods
- Method for Calculating Anisotropic Neutron Transport Using Scattering Kernel without Polynomial Expansion
- Fusion Neutron Irradiation Effects on Some Diagnostic Devices
- Heat transfer and temperature fluctuation of lithium flowing under transverse magnetic field.
- Neutron transport calculations by using double-differential cross sections.
- Accommodation of Cerium and Neodymium Oxides into Alumina.
- Unified diffusion coefficient for analysis of sodium-void worth in fast critical assembly with control-rod channels.
- Soft-Error on Memory ICs Induced by D-T Neutrons.
- Formation of Aspartic Acid from Aqueous Mixture of Fumaric Acid and Ammonia by γ-Irradiation
- Magnetic-superexchange interactions of uranium(IV) chloride-addition complexes with amides. I.
- Temperature fluctuation of sodium in annular flow channel heated by single-pin with blockage.
- Two-stage-discharge ion source.
- Intrinsic isotope effect of cryptand (2B, 2, 1) to Li-6 and Li-7.
- Measurements of Neutron Thermalization Time Constant of Light Water by Pulsed Neutron Method
- A Sinusoidal Neutron Source by Pulse Frequency Modulation of a Pulsed Neutron Source
- Reactor Neutron Fluctuation Simulator Using Pulsed Neutron Source
- Effect of neutron leakage in cell calculations of fast critical assembly.
- Dryout heat flux for core debris bed. III Mixture of intact fuel and particulated clad.:Mixture of Intact Fuel and Particulated Clad
- Film boiling characteristics of potassium droplets on heated plate.