Department of Nuclear Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Osaka University | 論文
- Utilizing RF Electric Field for Injection-Trapping High Energy Molecular Ions in Mirror Field, (I)
- Observation of a Layer Structure in Ti-U-O System.
- Electrolytic deposition of noble metal ions in strong phosphoric acid.
- On the Gaseous Electro-Deposition of Decay Products of Thorium
- Measurements of double differential neutron emission cross sections for fusion reactor candidate elements.
- Determination of effective diffusion parameters in thermal reactor assemblies.
- Thermal interaction of water droplet with molten tin.
- Two-Energy-Component Plasma in a Mirror-Torus Hybrid
- Hidden state variables and AR-MA formulation of reactor noise.
- Application of improved coarse mesh method to BWR core calculations.
- Change of Composition of UC1-xNx in Nitrogen Gas
- Effects of fusion neutron irradiation on photomultiplier tubes.
- Approximate Calculation Method for Second Order Sensitivity Coefficient.
- Pressure wave propagation in an imploding liquid metal liner.
- Cavitation in cylindrical liquid metal shell imploded for axial magnetic flux compression.
- Dryout heat flux for core debris bed. (I) Effects of system pressure and particle size.:Effects of System Pressure and Particle Size
- Neutronics experiments of D-T fast neutrons by application of associated particle method.
- Three-dimensional transport calculation method for eigenvalue problems using diffusion synthetic acceleration.
- Comparison of Disadvantage Factor among Square, Hexagonal and Cylindrical Cells
- Pressure Transient and Bubble Growth in Incipient Boiling of Superheated Potassium