Two-Energy-Component Plasma in a Mirror-Torus Hybrid
Akimune Hideo
Department Of Nuclear Engineering Faculty Of Engineering Osaka University
Department of Nuclear Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Osaka University
- Coherent Interactions of a Modulated Electron Beam with a Plasma (HXR-4)
- A High Current and Good Emittance Ion Source
- Coherent Domains in Some Parameter Spaces Inherent in a Beam-Plasma Regime
- Non-Linear Phenomena in Beam-Plasma Interaction
- An Observation on a Non-Linear Effect in Beam-plasma Interaction
- Energy Loss of Low Energy Protons and Deuterons in Evaporated Metallic Films
- Scattering of Low Energy Hydrogen Ions H_, H_ and H_) and Atoms (H_) from Evaporated Metallic Films
- Stopping Cross-Sections of Metallic Films for Projectile of Low Energy Proton
- Secondary Electron Emission Type Neutral Particle Detector
- Stabilization of Flute Instability by High Frequency Field
- Stabilization of Flute Instability by Means of High Frequency Field
- Microinstability of Mirror Confined Energetic Plasma in an R.F. Electric Field
- Excitation and Stabilization of Microinstabilities by R.F. Electric Field
- Effects of an R.F. Electric Field on Microinstability
- Surface Erosion of Molybdenum by Hydrogen Ion Bombardment
- Neutral-Particle Detector and Spectrometer for Plasma Measurement
- Suppression of Precessional Drift Wave by External Inhomogeneous High Frequency Field
- Injection-Trapping of High Energy Molecular Ions into the Mirror Field with the RF Electric Field (II)
- Beam Controllable PIG Ion Source
- Plasma Supply to Extraction Region in High-Current Ion Source
- New method of large-area DC ion beam formation with multiple electron beams. I. Effect of ion density distribution of source plasma on geometrical shape of plasma boundary.:Effect of Ion Density Distribution of Source Plasma on Geometrical Shape of Plasma
- New method of large-area DC ion beam formation with multiple electron beams. II. Control of geometrical shape of plasma boundary by means of electron beam injection.:Control of Geometrical Shape of Plasma Boundary by Means of Electron Beam Injection
- Two-stage-discharge ion source.
- Utilizing RF Electric Field for Injection-Trapping High Energy Molecular Ions in Mirror Field, (I)
- Two-Energy-Component Plasma in a Mirror-Torus Hybrid
- Intense and small emittance hydrogen ion beam formation by BPD ion source.