Department of Materials Science and Engineering, National Cheng Kung University | 論文
- Effects of Solid Fraction on the Heat Transfer Coefficient at the Casting/Mold Interface for Permanent Mold Casting of AZ91D Magnesium Alloy
- Mold Filling Analysis in Lost Foam Casting Process for Aluminum Alloys and Its Experimental Validation
- Multi-phase Flow Simulations in Direct Iron Ore Smelting Reduction Process
- Influence of Interfacial Structure Development on the Fracture Mechanism and Bond Strength of Aluminum/Copper Bimetal Plate
- Debinding Process of Fe-6Ni-4Cu Compact Fabricated by Metal Injection Modeling
- Effect of Processing on Removal of Hydroxyl Absorption Bands in Li_20-Ca0 -A1_20_3-Ge0_2 Glass
- Dielectric Properties and Leakage Current Characterization of the Ba(Sn_xTi_)O_3 Thin Films Prepared by Radio Frequency Magnetron Sputtering
- Effects of Cu Catalyst and Water Vapor on the Growth of Ge-GeO_x Core-Shell Nanowires via the Carbothermal Reduction of GeO_2 Powders
- A Home-Made Low-Cost Hydraulic Swivel and Catheter Assembly for Blood Pressure Recording and Drug Infusion in Freely Moving Mice
- A Comparison of the Microstructural Feature and Bonding Strength of Plasma-Sprayed Hydroxyapatite Coatings with Hydrothermal and Vacuum Post-Heat Treatment
- Effect of Hydrothermal Treatment on Microstructural Feature and Bonding Strength of Plasma-Sprayed Hydroxyapatite on Ti-6Al-4V
- Effect of CaCN_2 Addition on the Densification Behavior and Electric Properties of AIN Ceramics
- Forging Condition for Removing Porosities in the Hybrid Casting and Forging Process of 7075 Aluminum Alloy Casting
- Interfacial Characterization of Porcelain Veneered on the Pure Titanium under Vacuum Firing
- Adherence of Porcelain Veneered on Titanium with an Intermediate Plasma-Sprayed Zirconia Layer
- Effect of Thermal Treatment on the Intermetallic Compounds Formed at Sn-9Zn-1.5Ag-xBi (x = 0 and 1) Lead-Free Solder/Cu Interface
- Mathematical Modeling of Fluid Flow Phenomena during Tundish Filling and Subsequent Initial Casting Operation in Steel Continuous Casting Process
- ZrAl_3 Intermetallic Compound Thin Film as a Diffusion Barrier between Al and Au Layers
- Effects of Substrate Temperature and Oxygen Pressure on Crystallographic Orientations of Sputtered Nickel Oxide Films
- Effect of Film Thickness on Structural and Electrical Properties of Sputter-Deposited Nickel Oxide Films